ToroDev M&E team holds consultative meetings with members of advocacy forums that want to partner with ToroDev in the districts of Kyenjojo, Kabarole, Kyegegwa and Ntoroko in a way to expand the work of Advocacy forums in other sub counties where they do not exist in the Rwenzori Region

Since 2011 ToroDev in partnership with the local citizens has been
involved in encouraging the initiation of rural advocacy forums to improve on
service delivery monitoring and accountability and the participation of marginalized
population groups of rural youth and women participate in government planning
and budgeting processes in the seven districts of the Rwenzori Region.  Since 2011 ToroDev has been working with 15
advocacy forums spread in the 7 districts of the Rwenzori Sub Region but in
2016 ToroDev is currently working with 12 forums since 3 were suspended due to
lack of performance after being motivated 
time and again.  
The partnership we are looking for with the
organized groups located in different sub counties is  to increase the number of  advocacy forums from 12 – 20 this year 2016,  this will expand the work of monitoring,
advocacy and demanding accountability from leaders through organized groups.  ToroDev held meetings with groups that already
exist to know what they do, vision and mission,  how they operate, the challenges they face
,  area they want to partner with ToroDev
way forward and future  plans of the
groups” Said  Sheila Amanya   the M&E Officer ToroDev
As a way of  expanding the work of advocacy forums in other
sub counties of Kyenjojo, Kabarole, Kyegegwa and Ntoroko , ToroDev  M&E team 
held  field visit  on 16th/ 3 / 2016 to meet the
members of   Rwenzori Rural & Urban
organization in Bukuku subcounty,    Rwenzori youth leaders forum in Buhesi
Subcounty, Bukuku Forum for development in Kiguma parish,  Harugogo community forum  in 
Harugogo sub county and 
Governance  media initiative  in Kabarole district.
23rd /3/2016 ToroDev M&E team visited the organized groups in
Kyegegwa District and   3 groups were met
to see how ToroDev can work with them.  After all the visits are carried out  in Kyenjojo and Ntoroko ToroDev will organize
a general meeting to speak and train the new advocacy forums  that ToroDev will partner with for the next
ToroDev M & E team meeting new Advocacy forums from their locations
The groups that qualify and meet our
expectations will be invited at ToroDev offices on 31st / 3/2016 to
give them skills and training in policy making, service delivery monitoring,
lobbying and advocacy, roles of advocacy forums, criteria for partnering with
ToroDev, etc. The meeting will also help the leaders to share their progress, challenges,
way forward and the future plan
s.” Said Sheila Amanya M&E officer
ToroDev Ms Amanya Shiela & Florence meeting new advocacy forum leaders
The meeting ToroDev is organizing will empower
new members/leaders of the new initiated rural advocacy forums with skills and
knowledge in policy advocacy, service delivery monitoring and broadcasting for
” Said Florence Githinji M&E consultant ToroDev 
So far
the 8 groups we have  met are in line
with the objectives of ToroDev, they are very organized but lack skills in
advocacy, they lack platforms to engage leaders in demanding accountability,
they have limited skills in documentation, computer and advocacy, so ToroDev
wants to partner with these forums to address some of these challenges faced by
these groups”.
Said David Kugonza, the Documentation
and communication Officer, Torodev 
 We are
thankful to our partners for the support given to ToroDev to increase the work
of advocacy forums.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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