Civic education Skits have increased participation of listeners on radios

 Elections are part of the democratization process
and the ability to participate in free and fair elections is
one of the ways we express our democracy.
Citizens can appreciate electoral processes if legitimacy as a foundation of
democratic process is realized for it promotes integrity.
Your vote has power….
As we get close to elections
as a country, ToroDev has organized a number of messages through civic
education skits to both political aspirants & voters on information about
the roles of different political aspirants, information on multiparty system of
governance, effects of voter bribery, power of citizens/voters, messages encouraging
peace before & after voting, etc as a way of educating the electorates so
that they are able to make an informed decision when it comes to voting for
their individual candidates. This is done in order to clear the doubt that
citizens may have on the efficiency of the electoral processes which eventually
may call for dispute of election results and loss of public resources in case
of luck of satisfaction.
The recorded skits
are played on the ToroDev sponsored talkshows and listeners are given enough
time to participate by calling-inn or using sms platforms especially facebook
to participate by giving out their contribution/ideas being guided by a
moderator from the radio station.
For example on
Jubilee radio on 31st, January, 2016 we realized an increased
participation of about 30 people calling in live and about 15 people sending
inn messages via facebook page from about 15 people who would call inn before
the skits.
The skits are aired
out 30 minutes every Sunday on Jubilee radio 8:00-10pm and is moderated by Mr. Mukonyezi Winfred Abooki
Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred Abooki, Moderator of Listeners forum Talk show on Jubilee radio 
‘’There are
candidates giving voters money for exchange of a voter but I encourage my
fellow women to vote for candidates with manifestos that have our community
needs that will lead our communities/country to improved service delivery’’,
said Ms Nabulya Caroline a caller from Kyenjojo district, ‘’It is as if we lost
our votes in the last five years because at community level our leaders have
not done what they promised when they were looking for votes, I urge all voters
especially women to realize the power their votes have & use their vote to
elect leaders with ideas so that we do not regret after the five (5) years term
they will serve’’, said Mrs Tumuhairwe Oliver a caller from Mugusu Sub county
in Kabarole district, ‘’ It is a bad practice for candidates to bribe voters
with money because it indicates that they will not work for us instead they
will be in those offices to look for their money back’’, said Mr. Tofa a caller
from Kyegegwa district, ‘’receiving money in exchange for a vote is selling
ones country, we should coordinate and work together in order to yield results by
voting capable leaders for our constituencies’’, said Mrs Atuhairwe a caller
from Kabarole district, ‘’people need enough time for civic education before
elections especially to know the power of their votes and the roles of
different political aspirants right from national level to local levels’’, said
Mr. Chance Reuben through a facebook sms.

We are grateful to our partners; SIDA,
for the technical and financial

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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