Kakabara Development advocacy forum defends the rights of Local citizens in Kyegegwa district.

ToroDev works closely with 15
advocacy forums located in 7 districts of the Rwenzori region. Advocacy forums
are locally organized community groups that we partner with to advance the
issues of public accountability at the sub-county level.
are initiated with a number of objectives among them are; to defend the rights
of the local citizens, be a voice to the voiceless and defend the properties of
the minority.  Kakabara development
advocacy forum has worked hand in hand with duty bearers and local citizens of Kikyendo
village Migongwe parish Kakabara sub-county in Kyegegwa district to solve the
issue of land which has been in court for over 14 years.
forum   organized a meeting with duty
bearers local citizens and the two complainants who had a case of land grabbing
and  had wasted time in court for 14
years, the meeting was to bring the two complainants together to see how the
case can be withdrawn from courts of law because the case had taken much of the
complainants  time and it was getting so
costly and no final decision was made. 

“As a forum we have organized this meeting to find a way of asking the two people
who complained about the land and to ask them to handle issues outside court,
am happy they accepted my call, all were positive”.
Said Mr. Aheebwa
Williams the forum coordinator.
The case was dismissed by the chief
magistrates on 1st July 2011, due to lack of evidence from the complainants
but Mr. Tibamwenda Suleiman decided to appeal against the magistrates ruling,
but still there was no help, so I urge you to withdraw the case from court and
solve the issues here with the help of the forum members and LCI
”. Said Mr.
Nkoojo Nyanduru a resident of Kikyedo village.
After this meeting a resolution was made and
on 3rd January 2016, the two parties agreed to have 2 people from
the meeting to escort them to the high court to close the file and make peace
with everyone
”. Said Mr.Tibamwenda John the complainant
 “ The two complainants were able to end the
case and each complaint got back the land he was supposed to get in a peaceful
way .We thank you people for the reconciliation, live at peace, know your
boundaries, solve land issues peacefully , it is life and peace that matters as
we live as human beings”. Said Mr. Rusoke Moses the chairperson LCI Kabale
The work of Advocacy forum is highly
appreciated and I thank ToroDev  for
supporting the initiation and activities of advocacy forums, they have made the
case much easier and we are at peace, keep the good work
”. Said
Mr.Tibamwenda John the complaint.

are grateful to our partners for the support.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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