ToroDev Celebrates 10 years of existence and hosted all the participants of the conference for dinner at Mountains of the moon Hotel

On 19th November, 2015 ToroDev hosted all the participants of the conference for a
dinner to mark our 10 years of existence. The dinner was hosted at Mountains of
the Moon Hotel, from 5pm- 11pm. All participants of the conference attended,
political leaders, Civil servants, Academicians and well-wishers, the dinner
was attended by over 100 people. The guest of honor was Hon Adolf Mwesige
Apuuli, Member of Parliament Bunyangabu County & Minister of Local
The Organization has, particularly for the last 5 years, promoted and
improved information and knowledge sharing for citizens’ engagement with their
leaders to demand public accountability for improved service delivery and
poverty reduction. ToroDev has empowered local citizens in both offline and
online advocacy to improve essential service delivery through democratic
engagement with duty bearers, which directly affects their economic
livelihoods. Radio journalists also have been trained in online advocacy and
accountability broadcasting
”. Said, Counsel Businge Victor ToroDev Board
Counsel Victor added, ToroDev
has supported the initiation of over 16 rural advocacy forums and facilitated
over 20 accountability meetings between citizens and leaders in the region,
many of which were held in 2015. ToroDev has deployed the “convergence approach, using ICTs to promote
information access, use and democratic engagements for improved essential
service delivery.
The Executive Director ToroDev Mr. Baguma Johnstone K. giving the welcoming remarks as guests listen attentively
I appreciate the good work ToroDev has done to improve Service delivery
in Kabarole District, ToroDev has given us enough airtime on radio where
district local government official have been hosted to give accountability and
to address issues of poor service delivery, as LC V chairperson of Kabarole
District, I have been hosted so many times to give accountability, and this
airtime is free and as a district we could not afford to pay for airtime but
ToroDev bridged the gap, that is why accountability has been given and we are
seeing improved service delivery”.
Said Hon Richard Rwabuhinga during
dinner at Mountains of the moon hotel, Kabarole District.
Hon. Richard Rwabuhinga the district chairperson Kabarole giving his speech during the dinner
Hon Richard added,
ToroDev has empowered local citizens with skills in ICTs, advocacy and
networking, I can testify that one day I received a petition from  Mugusu forum and they challenged me when they
called me and asked to meet me, I was able to meet them and they presented
their petition  asking for water
extension to  Magunga village, I was  challenged because the group was organized,
they spoke to me calmly and I was able to lobby for the money to see that the
gravity flow scheme is put in place,  this proves the kind of work ToroDev is doing
with the advocacy forum.
is one of the organizations I respect and value so much, it has done great work
to improve service delivery in the Rwenzori Region, it has provided employments
to young people who can change the world, they have gone on ground to educate
others on how to demand accountability in a peaceful way, how to hold us leaders
accountable  without fear or favor, the
local citizens are now sensitized, empowered , they know what they want from
their leaders due to massive sensitization by ToroDev.  Thank you so much for the great work
Said Hon Alex Ruhunda the MP Fort-Portal Municipality during the Dinner at
Mountains of the Moon Hotel
Hon. Alex Ruhunda the Fort Portal Member of Parliament speaking during the ToroDev dinner
I treasure NGOs that have missions and visions, some NGOS are formed to
attack the government but I respect ToroDev very much, it has been very useful
and supporting our people and the government by providing leaders with
platforms to give accountability for improved service delivery, ToroDev thank
you so much for choosing Rwenzori Region to come and bridge a gap where the
government could not reach especially in paying for airtime on  radio for the leaders to address people and
give accountability , thank you for 
giving social and  economic  skills 
to the local citizens, supporting 
the local citizens  in monitoring
services and many other activities, thank you for the good work”.
Said the
guest of Honor, Hon Adolf Mwesige Minister for Local Government
Hon. Adolf Mwesige the State minister for Local Government giving his speech during the ToroDev dinner
Hon Adolf added NGOS have
filled a big gap where the government could not reach, the NGO reach, NGOs have
lobbied for improved services delivery, we have seen schools, hospitals,
latrines, water sources  put in place by
NGOS, as a minister I pledge to work with ToroDev  and in case you need me please let’s keep the
good partnerships.
The dinner ended at 11pm
and ToroDev was able to serve everyone with a cake.
The guest of honor is joined by other guests, BODs ToroDev, & staff in cutting the cake
For ToroDev to make 10 years in Service, it  has been
possible with donor support from the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing
Regions (SPIDER), CIPESA & SIDA, Development Research & Training (DRT),
Development Initiatives, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Indigo
Trust-UK, partner local FM radio stations and citizens’ community forums.
 We thank every body for the support in these 10 years of service.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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