ToroDev holds the 2nd Annual Regional Reflection Conference for ToroDev Stakeholders

held the 2nd Annual Regional Reflection Conference on Public
Accountability for Improved Service Delivery in the Rwenzori Sub-Region,
Western Uganda under the theme: The Current
Electioneering Process: “What are the Key Concerns of Public Service Delivery
to Influence Elections Outcomes in the Region?
. The 2 days residential regional
reflection conference was held on 19th-
20h November 2015
at St Joseph Inn-
Virika, Fort Portal.
2 days Annual Regional Reflection Conference 2015 served as an event for
ToroDev and all stakeholders to reflect on the plans, activities, and successes
of 2015. It also availed a chance to evaluate the execution of the
recommendations made in the 1st Annual Regional Reflection
Conference of 2014”.
Said, Johnstone Baguma, the Executive Director
ToroDev during the conference.
Mr. Baguma Johnstone Kumaraki giving the over all objectives of the conference at St. Joseph’s Inn Virika in Fort Portal
Johnstone added,
the organization has, particularly for the last 5 years, promoted and improved
information and knowledge sharing for citizens’ engagement with their leaders
to demand public accountability for improved service delivery and poverty
reduction. This has been possible with donor support from the Swedish Program
for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER), CIPESA & SIDA, Development Research
& Training (DRT), Development Initiatives, and the National Endowment for
Democracy (NED), Indigo Trust-UK, partner local FM radio stations and citizens’
community forums. ToroDev has deployed the “convergence approach, using ICTs to promote information access use and
democratic engagements for improved essential service delivery
ToroDev also
through this conference tackled other key issues that affect the well being of
the Organization. They included  and not
limited to; social and economic sustainability of already initiated 16
citizens’ advocacy groups in the region, capacity building needs in management
of the advocacy forums and advocacy, reporting and active monitoring of service
delivery at the grass root level.
attention was also on stakeholders’ reflection to the forthcoming general elections 2016 in Uganda, especially the type of leadership the sub-region
desires to have after elections. Specific issues to task the new leadership to
address was identified during the reflection conference. These were the issues
that the 16 Advocacy Forums and all other stakeholders will focus on advocating
for in the next 5 years. In addition, partnerships and networking will be
strengthened between ToroDev and partners like local government, central
government, civil society, journalists and local citizens.
The conference
presented a sound ground for feedback and knowledge sharing with an aim of
improving our work. On the first day after the Conference, ToroDev hosted all
the participants for a dinner to mark our 10 years of existence. The dinner was
hosted at Mountains of the Moon Hotel, from 5pm- 11pm. All participants of the
conference attended
conference limited itself to reflecting on the contributions of ToroDev and
partners to promote public accountability & democratic engagement for
improved service delivery to reduce extreme poverty. Eighty two (82) participants attended the 2 days’
conference.16 females’ and 16 Youth leaders of the 16 Citizens’
Advocacy Forums from seven districts of the Rwenzori region were the primary
participants. Eighteen (18) Media
practitioners under their umbrella network, the Rwenzori Journalists’ Forum
(RJF), 15 local radio stations from the 7 districts of the Rwenzori Region,
Civil Society leaders and staffs also attended (KRC, RICNET, RIDE-AFRICA, AHURIO, KANCA, Wougnet, CIPESA, Academicians),
7 District Information Officers, Civil servants (CAOs) & district planners, leaders of District-NGO Forums, both political
and technical leaders were represented.
Participants listening to a presentation during the conference
Objectives of the Annual Regional
Conference 2015
Reflect on the plans, activities, successes and
challenges of 2015
To reflect and give updates on the recommendations
raised by different stakeholders from the 1st  Annual Regional Reflection Conference
To provide a platform for primary stakeholders to
share success stories, identify challenges and give possible recommendations
for improved use of appropriate ICT tools to improve accountability and service
delivery monitoring and advocacy
brainstorm on project sustainability; both social and economic sustainability
enhance partnerships and networking between ToroDev and partners like local and
central government, civil society, journalists and local citizens
plans for 2016, especially intense lobby & advocacy during the general
election period.
“Uganda is in the middle of campaigns, elections are
just on the door and politics are dominating all the social medias, Ugandans
are debating, arguing, many are engaging each other in politics discussions, Am
proud of young  people who have taken
interest  in being part of politics,  the future will be brighter when young ones
Said, Rev. Fr. Dr.  Pascal Kabura of Uganda Martyrs University Fort Portal campus while giving
the key note address on the Theme of the conference on 19th/ October 2015
Fr. Dr. Pascal Kabura of Uganda Martyrs University Fort Portal Campus giving his Key Note address during the conference 
Rev. Dr. Pascal added; Uganda is here to stay, we need to engage ourselves and build what is happening
in Uganda, we should not surrender to the fate, we can still do something to
change the politics of Uganda, because there is a lot of panic, fear and
mistrust in the political arena, and human beings of today can’t make good
decisions in politic but we need to get involved in elections, vote and get
involved in all the processes of elections.
We appreciate the good work our partner
ToroDev is doing in this region, we partner with different organisations in
East Africa, and ToroDev is one of them, the work of ToroDev is seen through
Advocacy Forums, Radio Talk shows and online social Medias”. Said Ashna Kalemera
of CIPESA during the conference.
Ashnah  Kalemera of CIPESA giving Key Note address during the conference
On the first day
of the conference different presentations were made on different topics, for
example findings of the 5 years assessment of ToroDev was presented by Mrs
Florence Baguma, M&E consultants, another presentation was made by Dr
Muhumuza from Mountains of the Moon University & CAARD consultant. The
presentation was on the proposed ToroDev E- Participation Model / System & proposal for future scale –up in
Uganda and beyond. There was a panel discussion on this topic, more  panel discussions were on  mainstreaming gender
issues in public accountability & democratic engagement for improved
service delivery presented by Gorett Amuriat- Wougnet-Kampala
Goretti  Amuriat of WOUGNET Discussing Gender  Mainstreaming issues in Public Accountability
The main objective of the assessment was to investigate and assess the
impact of ICTs for improved service delivery of Torodev’s intervention for the
past 5 years 2011-2015 in the Rwenzori region
”. Said Mrs
Florence Baguma, M&E consultants.
Ms Florence Baguma presenting the ToroDev 5 years assessment report during the conference
Another presentation was on the Role of Citizens’
Advocacy Forums in Promoting Public Accountability & Service Delivery
monitoring in the Rwenzori sub-region. “ToroDev
is grateful to the 16 advocacy forums for the great work they are doing in
improving service delivery through monitoring government services, demanding
accountability from their local and political leaders, defending local citizens
rights among other activities
.” Said Sheila Amanya the M&E ToroDev.
a result of the work of advocacy forums we have seen water put in place for example in Mugusu & Katebwa sub counties in Kabarole district,  two class room blocks have been put in place in Bufunjo Seed school in Kyenjojo district, Roads improved in Kichwamba, Rwebisengo & Ntoroko District Munjeru
village in Kyenjojo District, etc all have  been worked on, we have improved staff in
health centers in Bufunjo, improved accountability and improved participation
of women in budgetary process and meetings”
. Said Tumwesigye
Andrew the leader of Bufunjo Forum in Kyenjojo District, during the panel
discussion on the performance of advocacy forums in the Region.
Mr. Tumwesigye Andrew, Ms Ahaisibwe Jane, Mr. Bamanyisa Patrick advocacy leaders & Shiela Amanya M & E officer in a panel discussion during the conference
As advocacy forums we face challenges like a challenge
of threats from security agents and local leaders, lack of enough funds to
monitor all the areas
, lack of ICTs such as
computers, recorders, cameras etc
”. Said Jane Ahaisibwe the leader of the Butiti forum during the panel discussion on the challenges of the advocacy
Different recommendations were suggested one of
them included to give the advocacy forums more skills in advocacy, networking and
provide them with more skills in sustainability of the advocacy forums, also woman
should be encouraged to participate in public meetings and radio talk shows.
This conference was
made possible with donor support from the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing
Regions (SPIDER), CIPESA & SIDA, Development Research & Training (DRT),
Development Initiatives, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Indigo
Trust-UK partner, local FM radio stations and citizens’ community forums.

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Ben Chilwell

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