Kabarole People are enjoying safe and clean water due to improved advocacy by rural Advocacy Forums

People are enjoying safe and clean water due to improved advocacy by rural
Advocacy Forums using appropriate ICT tools especially radio discussions.

People of Kiboha parish
Nyabatahi Village Mugusu Sub county have been surviving on dirty and unsafe
water for  over 8 months after the only
borehole  in the community broke down and
no one seem to have interest to work on it, the leaders were informed but no
one took positive action. The problem affected the women and children who could
walk for over two hours to fetch water from the wells the borehole was serving
over 130 households in that village.
As a forum we received the complaint on 5th May 2015 and we
arranged a community meeting to see how we can mobilize the resources to work
on the borehole.  We went on site and
proved that the borehole was not working. The forum leaders called for a
community meeting with an aim of setting ideas on how to raise the required for
funds and where to get the resources from, community members suggested that Red
Cross should be approached to see if they can provide the community with the
spare part, as a forum we got a starting point after the meeting
”. Said
Mukwano Ssenyonjjo, the chairman of people’s rights and forum for development
in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.
Mukwano adds
individuals were selected during the meeting and given a duty to go to the
offices of Uganda Red Cross to lobby for spares which were needed to fix in the
borehole good enough the Red Cross agreed to provide the spare parts but the
community was told to raise funds for transport to transport the spares from
Fort-portal town to the site and to pay for the labour.
On 29th June 2015 as a forum we took a lead to start looking
for the funds for transporting the spares and to pay the workers who were to
fix the borehole, we approached individuals and a good Samaritan and a
concerned local citizen Mr. Businge John supported the activity with one
hundred and fifty thousand shillings (150, 000/-) the bore hole was fixed on 3rd/
July 2015 and now people are enjoying clean as safe work due to the efforts of
the   advocacy forum
”. Said Tibenda
Stephen the secretary of people’s rights and forum for development in Mugusu
Sub County, Kabarole District.
ToroDev staff with Mugusu Advocacy forum members verifying the water sources 

Children & community members fetching water from one of the water sources
Stephen adds after the
first borehole was repaired another community of Mpora village approached us
and complained about their borehole which was producing little water and the
handle had broken down for over a hear, this was becoming a problem because
people could line up  for over 5 hours  to see that they get a jerrycan of water, we
used the same procedure, we approached 
Uganda Red Cross Fort-portal for spares 
and  mobilized funds from the community
and the borehole is now working very well thanks to ToroDev for giving us
monthly facilitation which enables us to move and mobilize communities for
improved service delivery.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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