ToroDev held accountability meeting organized by Katebwa Rwenzori development for advocacy network to discuss specific economic sustainability issues as reported on MML e-participation system portal.

The meeting was held on 23rd/01/2018 in Katebwa Sub County in Bunyangabu district mainly to present key issues raised by citizens concerning economic development and provide solutions. Key challenges raised through the portal and research carried by the forum members included;

Late release of seeds especially past plantation period, poor quality of seeds supplied, limited consultation from famers about the type of seeds needed, limited information about operation wealth creation, poor supply of seeds especially during dry seasons which is less effective to famers, poor planning by the program implementer more especially (OWC)

With the effort of doing advocacy work through the use of ICT, ToroDev has developed e-participation system MML to bridge the gap between citizens and duty bearers and lobby for better services in education, health and economic development sectors, we request everyone to read the printed copies of materials and use the system either using SMS and send it to 6115 or use ”. Said Amanya Sheila M & E officer during the meeting.

ToroDev Sheila Amanya sharing with the citizen of Katebwa sub county during the accountability meeting


  • Two hundred fifty (250 ) citizens  30% youth and 30%women attended
  • Technical/duty bearers who attended LC5, LCIII and LC1 chairpersons, District councilors, operation wealth creation in charge Bunyangabu district, Mayor Kyamukube Town council, etc
  • Key challenges affecting economic development in Katebwa sub county and Kyamukube town council  identified
  • Action plan developed.
A concerned citizen of Katebwa sharing his views on OWP

To advocate for improved service delivery in our communities takes courage especially if you are not paid for the services, thanks to ToroDev for supporting us with this platform to share our concerns to the duty bearers” Said Muhindo Ezra the chairperson of the forum

“For someone to benefit from wealth creation you must register with officials at the sub county level. Who will present the list to us and we first visit the homes or see if the beneficiary has enough land to handle the amount of  seeds and we assess  if you can be given a cow, a goat , a pig or not. We call up on members to always register early if they are to benefit in government programs and projects”. Said Major Tembho Suaibu in charge OWP Bunyangabu district.

Major Tembho Suaibu in charge OWP Bunyangabu district responding to some of the views raised from Katebwa citizens.

Way forward

  • Trainings should be done especially to beneficiaries who receive new crops, like apple & coffee.
  • Proper monitoring and supervision should be done especially to those who have benefited from wealth creation program.
  • Program in charge especially for (OWP) should always communicate early to farmers on where to pick seeds and the criteria of qualifying for them.
  • Extension workers should be deployed at sub county levels as the only way of improving supervision
  • Few people should be selected to benefit from this program to achieve results.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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