While the proliferation of mobile devices has been quite phenomenal in developing countries, it is important to recognise the roles with which these ICT tools have played towards the development of communities, nations and also for indviduals and organisations.
Many young people today do own mobile phones and reseacrh show that they are able to use their mobile devices to access internet. In the same, institutions such as ToroDev can utilize the opportunities that social media play in development to enhahcne the institutional capacity and visibility of their organisations.
ToroDev have invested heavily in capacity building of its staff so that they are able to tale advantage of social media to increase and make the work that they do more visible.
David Kugonza, the Documentation and Communications Officer at ToroDev have just recently concluded a two days traoining organised by WOUGNET in Kampala on web 2.0 and social media and its expected that the skills he gained will be used to increase the online presence of ToroDev.
Article written by
Sheilla Amanya