Improved performance in schools can only be achieved through team work.

Parents have been urged to be confident while supporting their children in education especially by avoiding overlooking their home based schools as schools that do not perform. These and many more words were said by Mr. Manyindo Frank the head teacher school during ToroDev supported live radio talk show. Mr. Manyindo was hosted a long side Ms Alinda Lucia the director St. Lucia high school in the studios of Hits Fm on 10th February 2018 to analyze UCE results for 2017.

’Some parents have lost hope in our home based schools for example many parents have taken their children to schools outside the district after passing their where pupils after passing PLE well, this together with other factors like infrastructure in schools, inadequate staffing, absenteeism, parents negative attitude towards education, lack of support to children with materials/school needs by parents, etc have affected performance at UCE’’, said Frank Manyindo.

Mr. Manyindo further said parents need to play their roles if they are to improve their children’s education by not only living the task to teachers and looking at the bursaries given by schools but also monitor and research on the schools they take their children before making the decision. He said the criteria they use to select best schools like syllabus coverage, qualified teachers, availability of reading materials, school facilities like classrooms and committements from teachers, parents and students are all here hence not to walk distances looking for schools outside the district which put a child at risk in a number of ways.

While sharing her views on the UCE results released Ms Alinde Lucia said schools need to build momentum, keep records and convince parents that they can perform.  She advised parents to always visit their children while at school, provide lunch for them, and support them with scholastic materials and work hard to control absenteeism of pupils. On the issue of examination malpractices they said poor management by UNEB officials especially during printing, packaging, storing and transit have caused some schools to rely on such other than concentrating on teaching students to pass. Alinda said we should work together as all education stakeholders including management of schools, parents, management committees, duty bearers, students and any other person committed to improve education standards.

During the 2 hours live discussion, listeners participated through call-ins and Sms; ‘’We are capable of performing well though we still have some challenges which  are affecting government aided schools in Kabarole district  such as limited school facilities, inadequate staffing, absenteeism, etc”, Said Ms Ainembabazi  a caller from Kibito Bunyangabu district.

‘’English language should be given first priority since all papers are set in English at primary and secondary levels this will give students a room to understand what they set in examinations”, Said Mr Isongoza a caller from Bunyangabu district.

“UNEB should be strict to people who set exams such that they can control examination malpractices and linkage of papers which has affected parents and students”, Said Mr. Bazale a caller from Kichwamba Sub County in Kabarole district.

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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