ToroDev partners with Kyenjojo FM to strengthen Accountability broadcasting for improved service delivery

Toro Development Network (ToroDev)
has started a new partnership with Kyenjojo FM based in Kyenjojo District to strengthen
accountability broadcasting for improved service delivery. The new partnership
involves supporting increased leaders and citizen participation on Ekyererezi
and Kihikire accountability live radio discussions on Kyenjojo FM. The new partnership
started on 1st October, 2014.
Advertisements will also be run
to encourage more women and youth to participate in the live radio discussions.
EKYEREREZI live radio discussion is broadcasted
every Wednesday from 10:00pm to 12:00am
and the KIHIKIRE live radio
discussion is broadcasted every day of the week from Monday to Friday (5:00 am- 6:00 am). 
In addition, through the live
radio discussions and radio advertisements, ToroDev in partnership with
Kyenjojo FM will encourage the formation of more citizen led groups (women and
youth) to form advocacy forums at both sub county and district levels to enable
effective monitoring of service delivery and participation in government
planning and budgeting processes.
ToroDev will also continue to
support capacity building to the Kyenjojo FM accountability program moderators
in partnership with the regional journalist framework called the Rwenzori
Journalist Forum (RJF) to improve accountability broadcasting at Kyenjojo FM.
Since Kyenjojo FM is located in
Kyenjojo Town and broadcasting in the districts of Kyenjojo and Kyegegwa, leaders
of the 7 citizens’ Advocacy Forums initiated with ToroDev support and operating
in Kyenjojo and Kyegegwa districts will have an opportunity to engage with
their leaders through the live radio discussions to improve accountability and
service delivery. 
Participation on the live radio
discussions will be through appearing on the live radio discussions, making
call-ins and texting among others.
In addition to supporting the
live accountability radio discussions on Kyenjojo FM, ToroDev also supports
accountability live radio discussions on Hits FM and Better FM located in Fort
Portal, Voice of Bundibugyo located in Bundibugyo District.

live radio discussions are supported by NED and SIDA 
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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