With Financial support from SIDA ToroDev in 2016-2017 carried out numerous trainings of district councilors, HUMC members and HUMC members. Two hundred sixteen (216) HUMC members were trained in their roles & responsibilities, health service delivery system, health policies, NMSDS, advocacy using ICT, (online/electronic) drug requisitions and monitoring effective use
In April 2018 M&E team carried out an evaluation exercise to track the impact on the trained HUMC members and to get recommendations for improvement. During evaluation exercise 16 health centres were sampled in Kabarole and Kyegegwa district.
Situation Before the training in 2016
- HCMCs were not well versed with their roles and responsibilities especially , lobbying, advocating, monitoring and supervisory role
- Insufficient knowledge and skills by the HMCs to actively participate in planning, budgeting and monitoring health centres programs for improved service delivery
- Lack of capacity by the HMCs to engage and mobilize the communalities to sensitize them on what takes place in the health centres ( to let the community know when drugs are delivered, role of the community to play in supporting the health centres, drugs chain supply etc)
- Some HUMC had vacant positions
Action points set after the training
- HUMC members pledged to avail themselves to inspect drug delivery at their respective health centre’s and the office of DHO to inform the concerned parties on drug delivery schedules on time
- Be involved in making annual work plans for their health centre’s (bottom –up planning
- Bridging the gap between the community and the facility by providing the right information using ICT tools and other means of disseminating information
- Fill the vacant places.
Situation after 17 months of training.
- HUMC member are executing their monitoring and supervisory roles with confidence and with proper knowledge and understanding.
- HUMC members participating in planning and budgeting process with enough knowledge on what to be done
- Improved linkage between the facility and the community
- Vacant positions filed in Kazinga, Nyantabomo, Kataraka and Kidubuli Health canters
Key Comments
“Immediately after the training in Dec 2016, we went back and shared the knowledge gained from the training with other members who had not attended, we divided ourselves into 3 groups, and we assigned roles according to the 3 groups, one group to inspect OPD department every Wednesday, the other group inspect Maternity department Monday and Thursday and the other group monitors art clinic at least 3times a week, this has reduced of staff absenteeism because everyday someone is there to supervise and health workers no longer take us for granted”. Said Mugarura Denis chairperson HUMC Kazinga HC111
“We handled the issue of potter who was not executing his roles very well, he used not to clean the compound, he dodged all the assignments assigned to him and this kept the health centre in bushy area, we companied to district , we are happy that he was transferred and we have a better person now and we credit this to the orientation” Said Mugarura Denis chairperson HUMC Kazinga HC111
“Before the training we didn’t have enough knowledge about drug inspection and this made us lack confidence in ourselves, we are happy we gained knowledge and confidence after the training, we are now always informed in time to come and inspect drugs right now am from the health centre to receive the drugs. Kabatoro Kadija chairperson HUMC Hapuyo HC111.
“From the training we realized that monitory role is important, so we held a meeting immediately after the training and assigned one member to visit the health centre once a week this has worked well for us because we are informed on a weekly basis what takes place at the facility”. Said the chairperson Kichwamba HC111
“We have used the knowledge gained from the training to lobby for an improved storage facility for drugs, we have enough space that can accommodate all our drugs and we attribute this to the lobbying skills we gained.” Said Nyantaboma Chairperson HUMC
“We participate in designing and approving the budgets and in-charge has always contacted us to participate in the whole processes of planning and budgeting, we attribute this to the knowledge we gained from the training”. Said Rugomayo Edward HUMC, Wekomire HC111
“We have used every platform to sensitize mothers to come for immunization and we happy that mothers have known the days to bring their children for immunization”. Said Kusima Teoho Maris member Hapuyo HCIII
“We have been given time to speak in different churches and sensitize people on services delivered in our health centre, we used not to do this before the training, but now we can speak during funeral, in churches, in mosques and other public gathering sensitizing people on the drug delivery, antenatal days, immunization days and art clinic”. Said Chairperson Kazinga HC111.
“The HUMC members have used every public gathering to educate the community on the services rendered at the facility, we have been given platforms in meetings, conferences and places of worship to inform members on , family planning, immunization and art clinic programs focusing on Bahima tribe who do believe in using ARVs. We have shared this information with them and many have come for testing and counseling.” Said Nalugo Rebecca Karwenyi HC111.
“Community members didn’t know that on weekends the facility opens, we sensitized them and now they can access the facility even on weekends”. Said the chairperson Kazinga HCIII.
“Before the training we were 8 out of 9 , the parish chief was missing on the team, immediately after the training we contacted the parish chief Kazinga parish and was put on board, we oriented him on what he is supported to do since we had acquired the necessary knowledge” Said the Chairperson Kazing HCIII.
“The gap of two members was filled immediately after the training and this has helped us to execute our monitoring role well”. Said Mujuni Yoweri, Voice chairperson Karwenyi HCIII.