Rural monitors of Butiiti Sub County advocate for better services

ToroDev has been highly involved in mentoring and supporting
the initiation and strengthening the newly formed advocacy forums to champion
the demanding of improved service delivery and democratic engagements through
the use of ICT4D tools in the Rwenzori Region districts. ‘Better Youths Life
Forum’ in Butiiti Sub County, Kyenjojo District is one of the advocacy forums
that have been formed by the 120 rural monitors who were trained by ToroDev in
online advocacy, monitoring service delivery using online social media tools
like Ushahidi plat form for online documentation, visualization and mapping. 
ToroDev M&E Team with rural monitors at the constructed latrine

Members of Better Youths Life Forum have used their skills
to monitor and lobby for better services in the education sector. “We have
taken responsibility of monitoring the poor state of Butiiti Demonstration
School. The school has only fourteen teachers with seven class rooms. The
school holds a number of six hundred and seventy five pupils, who are so many
as compared to the school facilities. Government constructed three latrines at
the school, but they all collapsed due to the shoddy work that was involved. We
followed up the issue by using radio programs and also approaching the
concerned local leaders until UWESA donated two pit latrines at the school”,
said Mugume Bright, the secretary of the forum.
Rural monitors also raised the issue of the poor state of a staff
latrine at Butiiti Health Center III to their leaders. “Staff at Butiiti Health Center III had no
latrine. The existing one was filled up and in a poor sate. We approached the
concerned leaders at the Sub County and District level, and as I talk, a newly constructed
latrine has been handed over to the staff at the health center”, said Ahaisibwe
Jane, the Chairperson of the forum.
However, members of Better Life Youth Forum are facing a
challenge of shoddy work done by the contractors. “We are facing a challenge of
shoddy work done by the contractors on our roads. We lobbied the district to
construct for us Mukunyu – Kisabagwo road, but the contractor made a lot of
shoddy work and as we talk, the road is impassable and creating a hindrance for
farmers to access their markets most especially in the rainy season”, said
Mwesige Moses, a member of the forum.
The advocacy forums are supported by SIDA/CIPESA on a
project aimed at using appropriate ICT tools to promote democratic engagement
in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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