ToroDev trains rural monitors in online advocacy for improved service delivery

ToroDev trained rural monitors from seven advocacy forums in
the Rwenzori Region in using online tools to monitor service delivery. The
maiden residential 2 days training involving seven leaders of advocacy forums,
the coordinator of Rwenzori Journalist Forum and ToroDev staffs was held on 2nd
– 3rd September 2012 at ToroDev resource center in Fort Portal Town.
The training which is supported by ToroDev in partnership with CIDA was
facilitated by Moses Owiny from WOUGNET. The training was intended to improve
the skills of on line documentation and using online plat forms like Ushahidi,
twitter, face book, u tube, blogging, and Skype.
Participants during the training
During the training, participants were advised on the use of
the training. “The online training will help us to improve our skills of reporting not only bad
things but also good things. This means that there will be a lot of improvement
on our reporting capacity. Many of you had also forgotten your pass words of
the Ushahidi Plat form, this training will help you to get new pass words, so
that you can be able to post your service delivery issues on the plat form”,
said ToroDev’s Johnstone Baguma.
Participants were also advised on what is expected out of
them after the training. “By the end of the training, we would like to see a
lot of online engagements, with a lot of service delivery issues concerning
your sub counties. There should also be a lot of engagements with our leaders
concerning the issues, for easy advocacy”, said ToroDev’s Solomon Akugizibwe.
Meanwhile, rural monitors indicated how the training had improved
their skills of online documentation. “The training has improved my skills of
documenting on line. I had forgotten how to use some of the tools like Skype
and Ushahidi, but the training has helped me to retain them. This is therefore
going to help me to disseminate all the service delivery information concerning
my sub county on line”, said Mukwano Ssenyonjo, the Chairperson of People’s
Rights and Forum for Development in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.
ToroDev’s Shilla Amanya also appealed to the rural monitors
to make use of the acquired skills. “I appeal to all the participants to make
use of the acquired skills and not leave them to die out. Since ToroDev gave
you lap tops and internet modems, we expect to always get several stories
concerning service delivery issues and success stories from your sub counties
on your face book pages and blogs on a monthly basis. We also expect you to use
these plat forms to engage your leaders to give you accountability and also
improve service delivery”.
The online/Web 2.0 
training was supported by SIDA/CIPESA on a project aimed at using
appropriate ICT tools to promote democratic engagement and accountability for
improved service delivery in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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