Sub County Duty Bearer hosted Live on radio Talkshow to Give Accountability

On 24th February 2019, Hon Richard Busiinge the LCIII chairperson Bugaaki sub county Kyenjojo District appeared live on Jubilee FM to give accountability and respond on issues / captured from rural radio debate/Magazine carried out by ToroDev on 14th /2/2019.

The chairman was live on ToroDev supported program ‘listeners forum“, which starts from 8:00 – 10:00 pm every Sunday.

While giving accountability on water sector,Honorable commented that with the help from Rwenzori diocese we have managed to put in place four boreholes in Kyabaranga, Kabirizi, Kasunganyanja and Katiba. This will help to reduce on water challenges in those areas.

In the road sector the sub county has worked on some road like Kimabale-Kihoiga road, Bwasiri road, Mitoma Kyaborobya, Kagorogoro Mabale road and Rwakasamba road.   The sub county is in the process of putting marrum. On the issue of Katikara road sub County leaders are in contact with the constructors and the engineer to construct a standard road as agreed in MOU. Nyamuzara Bridge and Rwabaranga road are already in the sub county plans.

In the health sector, honorable commented that Bugaki Sub County doesn’t have any health centre. People access health services from Nyamabuga which is now a town council. We are working hard with duty bearers and other technocrats to lobby for a health centre III in our sub county. We pledge to engage the DHO Kyenjojo district to lobby for us a facility in Bugaki Sub County.

Hon further requested all people of Rwabaganda village to sit with the local council water board and write to the district water department and lobby for more two boreholes for the village.  He further asked parents to work hand in hand with teachers and provide support to their children.

Over 30 listeners also participated through call-ins to raise their issues and concerns. “Roads like Kafunda and Kasunga are impassable during rainy season and have a lot of potholes. I call upon sub county leaders to consider those roads in the next sub county budget,” Said Hussein a caller from Bugaki sub county Kyenjojo district”.

Leaders should plan with people at grass root level before they apply for Operation Wealth creation program seed. This will help us beneficiaries to request for what they want”. Said Muruli Charles a caller from Ntoroko Road Bugaki sub county Kyenjojo distric.

There is increased school dropouts due to lack of a secondary school in the whole sub county. I can upon leaders to lobby for us one secondary school in the next financial year”. Said Mugisa William LC1 chairperson Kyakiroro Bugaki Sub County”.

We are grateful for our donors for the financial and technical support to keep these programs running

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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