“What has your leader delivered ever since he/she entered office”, Kasigazi Willy Donanto.

On 12th July 2014, Mr. Kasigazi Willy Donanto cautioned
local citizens on what local leaders have delivered for them ever since they
voted them into the offices they hold.  “What
have your leaders delivered ever since they entered the offices they hold? As
local citizens, you should know that it’s your responsibility to monitor these
leaders and also demand for better service delivery from them. You should also be
able to tell whether these leaders are effective or they are just dormant in
the positions that they hold in public offices”. Mr. Kasigazi is the moderator of the ‘Orukurato
Program’ a two hour weekly live radio discussion sponsored by ToroDev that
discusses issues of accountability every Saturday 08:00 – 10:00pm on HITS FM.
A parliamentary session
The discussion attracted many call ins from the local
listeners who indicated/highlighted their issues and concerns about their local
leaders. “Leaders have not delivered much for the local citizens”, said Akora
from Kasunganyanja Trading Center in Kabarole District, “Leaders have not done
much in delivering better roads”, said Denis from Mbarara District, “The
Chairperson LC 1s have not done anything, they no longer even organize communities
as it used to be”, said Nyanzi from Hakibaale Sub County in Kabarole District, “Local
citizens are also lazy. They want the government to do each and everything for
them. They would be organizing themselves to work on community roads rather
than blaming local leaders”, said a caller from Kacwampale. 
Meanwhile, the live radio discussion became more interesting
and attracted more call ins and text messages from the local listeners
concerning their local leaders. “We don’t have safe water in my area”, said Fred
from Hapuuyo Sub County in Kyegegwa  District,
“I carry the blame on the Members of Parliament who passed the heavy budget
most especially on farmers whose markets have even fallen”, said Robert
Nyakairu, “Leaders are avoiding local citizens, they are even avoiding and denying
their responsibilities”, said Enock from Kasenda Sub County in Kabarole
District, “After getting votes, leaders don’t come back on ground to pick
people’s issues”, said Byaruhanga Charles from Mpara Sub County in Kyegegwa

The live radio discussion was moderated by Mr. Kasigazi Willy Donanto and is supported by SIDA/CIPESA and SPIDER/Stockholm
University on a project aimed at using appropriate ICT tools to promote
democratic engagement in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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