Women urged to embrace existing government programs in fighting poverty.

International women’s day is celebrated on 8 March of every year. It is a day to acknowledge the contributions of women in development including families and societies. In Uganda government officials hold gatherings where they mobilize women together, enjoy and encourage them to move forward in life and remind them of the existing opportunities put in place by government to help them fulfill their development potential. 

According to Hon. Peace Mutuzo, the Woman Member of parliament Bunyangabu district and State Minister for Gender and cultural affairs in Uganda, such programs of recognizing women’s contributions in the development of a country inspires more women to engage in development initiatives in communities, house hold level or even national level.

Hon. Peace Mutuzo was hosted on ToroDev’s supported weekly talkshow program ‘Orukurato’,  that is aired every Saturday 8:00-10Pm on Hits Fm a local radio in Fort Portal, Kabarole district. This was barely a day after the district she represents in parliament hosted the national Women’s day celebrations.

While giving accountability to citizens during the live talkshow, the Minister said, through her ministry the government has empowered 29 women groups from Bunyangabu district and others in Rwenzori region. She explained the Women entrepreneurship funds program it helps in empowering women groups at sub county levels to implement their planned activities hence improving income at household and improving people standards of living.

The Minister further said that her ministry will continue empowering women councils in the districts such that they are able to monitor and oversee women challenges as well as suggesting solutions to the challenges in order to achieve women’s rights.

Commenting on the the plans for her constituency, Hon. Mutuzo said the district has a master plan which is being implemented and promised to work hand in hand with other district officials to elevate and modernize Kibiito health center IV to a hospital status, lobby for the construction of a general ward at Kiibito health center IV and build staff quarter at Bukarra health center III, improve the road network in the district especially Kasiisi-Kanyabukara road, improve education standards by addressing the issue of drop out and child marriages affecting education sector in the district, etc.

Hon. Peace Mutuzo said despite women utilizing the available funds under Uganda Women Entrepreneurship program (UWEP) well, they still face a challenge of limited funds to meet the demand because many women want to do development projects but sometimes the available funds are not enough to support all the registered women groups. She urged women to team up and address their challenges as a team if they are to improve their income levels and fight poverty in the country.

Listeners’ were given chance to participate by calling inn live during the 2 hours radio discussion. Over thirty (30) people called inn and others participated through Sms platforms;

‘’Work on Nyamba bridge that connects Bunyangabu district and Bukonjo County in Kasese district started but the contractors never completed it, we need the Minister to intervene such that work can be complete to aid trade between the 2 districts’’, Said Annet Akoraebirungi, a caller from Rwimi in Bunyangabu district.

We have a problem of water shortage in Kyanga village, we lack safe and clean water and our children and other people in the area are suffering from water borne diseases, How can the minister help us solve our problem,” Said Micheal, a caller from Kyanga village in Bunyangabu district.

The government should bring back cooperative societies/Associations at Sub County or district levels such that it can help farmers get market for their produce’’ Commented, Patrick Baguma from Rugombe in Kyenjojo district.

We don’t have drugs and gloves at Buhinga regional referral hospital. How can the government help to avail such materials since the challenge seem to be crosscutting in almost all the health centers?’’, Said Chris Busobozi, a caller from Harugongo Sub County in Kabarole district.

We are grateful to all our development partners for the support that has enabled information access and dissemination in the region.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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