Limited Planning and poor Monitoring hindering Youth Livelihood Program.

The ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development a ministry implementing Youth livelihood Program (YLP), a Gov­ern­ment Pro­gramme that was created in 2013 to respond to the challenges of un­em­ploy­ment among the youths and increasing household income among  group members. The youth are not planning as a group, they are not monitoring their projects and have limited training on how to use the funds. These were words from Stephen Ainganiza, the Kabarole district Information Officer while sharing challenges under YLP on ToroDev’s supported weekly talkshow ‘Listeners Forum’ that is hosted every Sunday 8:00-10:00pm.

On 17th March 2019 while on Jubilee radio Mr Ainganiza gave a status-quo of the program, challenges faced and plans to avert the challenges in order for the program to achieve it’s intended objectives.

Mr. Ainganiza said since 2013 up to date, the government has been funding the program which has helped it to expand to all parts of the district where all registered groups that qualify for these funds have been receiving it aimed at lifting unemployed youths within the district to fight poverty and improve household incomes.

Mr. Ainganiza said the district is working hand in hand with sub counties to solve the challenges affecting youth livelihood programs for example making field group visits, regular monitoring of youth projects,sensitization especially on not diverting money from the original intended purpose, etc. He further said they are using all available platforms like radios and physical gatherings to make sure youth get the information.

Mr. Ainganiza urged all development partners in the district to team up in mobilizing the youth to benefit from the program as well as sensitizing them on what exactly they need to do with the money to fight poverty, improve household income and reduce unemployment.

During the 2 hours live discussion about 40 listeners participated through call inns and Sms participation where they shared their views on how they are viewing the program.

 “We registered our group at all levels but we have failed to benefit from youth funds, what criteria is used to fund these youth groups?” Asked Moses Swaibu a caller from Hakibale Sub County in Kabarole district.

“The district has failed to monitor and supervise these Youth groups that is why the Youths have failed to use the money and pay it back for the other groups to use. There is need to intesfy monitoring if the program is to yield results’’, Said Justus from a caller from Kiibito Town council in Bunyangabu district.

‘’The Youth are given Youth Livelihood funds without being sensitized and when their project plans have not been scrutinized, there is need for proper planning and sensitization of these groups before funds are disbursed to them’’, Said Annet Kobusinge a caller from Busoro Sub County in Kabarole district.


Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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