ToroDev holds Trac FM training

From 25th to 26th June 2014, Toro Dev
held a training of promoting the use of affordable SMS platforms like Trac FM
to make the live radio discussions more participatory and also improve local
citizen (rural youths and women) participation in governance. Participants of
the training included radio staff  from
Life and HITS FM in Kabarole District, Guide FM in Kasese District and civil
society organizations like RIC NET (Rwenzori Information Centers Network), RIDE
Africa (Human Rights and Democracy Link Africa) and Toro Dev. The training was
facilitated by members from Trac FM and held at ToroDev Offices.
Participants during the training
During the training, Toro Dev’s executive director, Mr.
Johnstone Kumaraki indicated how ToroDev encourages local citizens to use ICT
tools to communicate with their leaders for easy engagements. “Our interest is
to see that there is engagement and we as civil society perform as
intermediaries through advocating for better service delivery and
demanding accountability from the local leaders. This training should therefore help us
to improve our engagements and advocacy with the local leaders”.   
The Track FM facilitators also indicated how Trac FM works.
“Trac FM is an NGO (Non Government Organization) that promotes citizenry participation in public
accountability and service delivery. We do this by partnering with media houses
and NGOs in using the SMS plat form (allowing free SMS) in form of poll
questions so as to get real issues of the local citizens. The end user who is a
local citizen does not incur any cost in answering the question that is sent on
his or her phone. The poll questions are always formulated from the issues
concerning the community, and the more people participate, the more data we
get, and the more impact we realize. The tool is not limited and is used to
advocate for better service delivery from the policy makers”, said Ssozi Javie.
Meanwhile, Lindsey from Trac FM also indicated how the plat
form would help with getting more evidence based data. “The Trac FM plat form
will increase participation of the local citizens which will help us to collect
evidence based data to support offline engagements with leaders on priority
service delivery needs and responses from local citizens. The statistical data
generated by the electronic polling initiative will also help us to broad cast
evidence based data to improve accountability and service delivery advocacy in
the region”.
The training was supported by DRT (Development Research and training) and DI(Development Initiatives).
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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