Citizens encouraged to regularly go for Medical checkups for a Health living

Doctor Gilbert Ategeka a senior doctor at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital in Kabarole district has advised citizens to regularly visit hospitals to know their health status. Speaking during ToroDev Weekly supported ‘Orukurato’ program that is aired every Saturday 8:00-10:00Pm on Hits Fm to discuss challenges with Uganda’s health system, doctor Gilbert said most people visit health facilities after they have fallen sick even after trying self medication a practice that is not good at all. Doctor Gilbert further said Uganda has a doctor to patient ratio of 1:250000 a situation that put our lives at risk. ‘’Our doctors work on rotation where today his/she is dealing with children and the next hour dealing with women illnesses. We do not have specialized hospitals like how it is in other countries outside Africa a situation that puts most people at risk.

We need to specialize as health workers in that if you are to deal with children, you do that work perfectly or if you are to handle women issues you do that well. Inspite of all those challenges, there still exist absenteeism of health workers, inadequate drugs, inadequate infrastructure development and failure by the existing community health facilities and people to manage simple illnesses resulting from personal behavior and lifestyles but find people congesting hospitals which would be concentrating on serious illnesses.

Community health workers as well as citizens need to check personal hygiene at homestead level in order to reduce congestion and demand on the limited services at health facilities at hospital and referral level facilities. When that is done there will be improved services and people’s living standards improved.

Meanwhile citizens have been sensitized to support the electricity power line that government is extending to Mugusu, Kiguma and Butebe areas in Kabarole district. The power line extension is done by HASO engineering company Limited that was contracted by Rural Electrification Agency (REA) to improve service delivery in communities. Mr. Kabugho Musa the Manager HASO engineering company Limited was hosted on 20th July 2019 during ToroDev’s supported weekly program, ‘Listeners forum’ on Jubilee radio to answer some questions from the public especially where the power line will be passing through. Mr Kabugho further said people need to cooperate with the company especially those where electric poles and lines will be passing because government has no plans to compensate their land.

He said when electricity is finally in these areas, people can begin small businesses like wielding, selling drinks, etc and by so doing, they will be earning a living hence improving their income levels and living standards. The project to connection the mentioned areas is expected to be completed by end of this year.

                                                 Mr. Kubugho Musa from HASO Engineering Company

During the 2 hours live discussion, listeners were given time to participate and some of their questions included; ‘’Government has money, how come people will not be compensated for poles that will be passing through their land?’’ asked Nyemera Trevor a caller from Kiguma Sub County in Kabarole district during the program, ‘’There are other Sub Counties and villages neighboring those mentioned areas where electricity is going to be extended and they do not have electricity, what plan do duty bearers have for them’’ asked Mariam Kasemiire a caller form Bukuuku Sub County in Kabarole district.

As ToroDev, we thank all our development partners for keeping our people informed through these electronic platforms.

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Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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