Rural monitors assess the impact of their monitoring activities in the year 2013

On 5th January 2014, rural monitors appeared on
Better FM to discuss the achievements and challenges that they encountered in
the year 2013 during their activities of monitoring service delivery. “We have
been able to monitor our leaders and better services like roads have been
realized. However, leaders have misunderstood rural monitors of being
political  groups searching for their own
mutual benefits”, said Mukwano Senyonjo, the Chair Person of People’s Rights
and Forum for Development in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.
The local citizen was discussing on ToroDev supported radio
discussion on Better FM called “The Listeners Forum”. The two hour radio
program discusses issues of accountability every Sunday (8:00 – 10pm).
ToroDev gives out lap tops to leaders of Advocacy Forums
Other panelists who participated in the live radio
discussion included Mr. Akugizibwe Solomon, the Media and Communications
Officer ToroDev, Mr. Atuhaire Patrick the coordinator of Hakibaale Committed
Citizens for Better Services in Hakibaale Sub County Kabarole District and Mr.
John Kahunde, the Chair Person of Kiguma Forum for Rights and Development in Kiguma
Parish, Bukuuku Sub County, Kabarole District.
During the discussion, Mr. Solomon assessed the activities,
challenges and plans of the radio programs and advocacy forums. “We have
realized great achievements such as people participating in governance, local
citizens demanding for accountability and better service delivery from their
leaders, and local people participating in rural radio debates to raise their
issues and concerns. However, there has been some challenges like threats to
the radio panelists, lack of grass root people more especially women
participating in the radio programs and engaging local leaders to give
accountability . We have formulated future plans to see that better service
delivery is realized such as making consultative meetings with leaders,
sensitizing the community about the use of on- line tools like phones, radios
and internet to monitor service delivery, encouraging more sub counties to make
advocacy forums and strengthening the existing forums”.
“Due to our work of monitoring our leaders, better service
delivery has been realized. Teachers of Muhangi Primary School nolonger drink
alcohol and now the school performs better and our leaders are also giving us
accountability”, said Atuhaire Patrick.
Local listeners were also able to participate in the live
radio discussion through the program’s face book page called the ‘Listeners
Forum’ and call ins. “Corruption and embezzlement of public funds by government
officials has hindered development”, said Mugisa Gordon, “Kijura-Kamwenge road
is so poor”, said Atuhaire Julius, “Our leaders are so rigid to conduct LC I
elections”, said Ssemanda, “Kamwenge leaders should stop being too political
and should accept being corrected”, said Saidi, “Leaders of Kyenjojo District
should also come on radio and give accountability because people are in a poor
state”, said Halera.  
The live radio discussion was moderated by Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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