Local people use rural radio debates to demand for better services

On 14th November 2013, Local people of
Rwentuha Sub County in Kyegegwa District showed their outcry over the poor
service delivery in their Sub County. This was during the rural radio debate conducted
by Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred, a moderator of the ‘Listeners Forum’ on Better FM, a
radio discussion sponsored by ToroDev . “Mpara-Rwentuha road is very poor and
impassable”, said Kyaligonza, “The roads are so poor, we no longer move to
Mpara and Biguli because of the floody roads”, said Wilber, “We do not have
medicine in Kazinga HC III”, said Nyakabwa David, “We do not have safe water,
people are sharing locally made wells with cattle”, said Baragiine Moses, “Kazinga
Primary School is not performing well, last year we did not have any pupil in
first grade”, said Monday.
The poor roads of Rwentuha Sub county, Kyegegwa District
Meanwhile, the people’s issues were run on Better FM radio
on 17th November 2013  during
the ‘Listeners Forum’ 8:00-10:00pm for the local leaders intervention. The live
radio discussion was also attended by Mr. Mukwano Ssenyonjo, the Chairperson of
People’s Rights and Forum for Development in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole
District, Ezra Muhindo, the Chairperson of Katebwa Advocacy Forum in Katebwa
Sub County, Kabarole District and Ampaire Wilbrod, the General Secretary of
Rwenzori Youths Leaders Forum.
During the discussion, Mr. Mukwano appealed to leaders to
stop threatening rural monitors. “Leaders should know that rural monitors help
them to perform their duties. They should therefore work with them instead of threatening
them and being against their activities of monitoring services”. 
“In Katebwa Sub County, Kibate bridge and Bujabara bridge,
all on River Nsongya were washed away by the heavy rains and have never been
worked on. This has hindered our production because of lack of access to
markets”, said Muhindo Ezra. 
Meanwhile, Wilbrod highlighted the objectives of the
Rwenzori Youths Leaders Forum. “Our objectives as a forum are to raise the
local people’s voices, monitoring local leaders to deliver better services,
bridging the gap between the local leaders and the local people and engaging
the leaders to carry out up ward bottom planning by providing people’s priority
Local listeners also participated in the live radio
discussion through call ins. “Leaders should give accountability”, said Mbaga
Saidi from Hakibaale, “The road constructed in Kyetagara ward is so poor”, said
Nuwagaba, “Development in Rwamukora is so poor because of poor water and poor health
centers”, said Mwesige from Katooke Sub County, “Service delivery is now
improving because of putting our local leaders on air”, said Allelluah from
Karugutu Town Council in Ntoroko District. 
The live radio discussion was moderated by Mr. Mukonyezi
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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