Leaders of People’s Rights and Forum for Development demand for better services in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.

People’s Rights and Forum for Development is a forum in
Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District that is community initiated to monitor
service delivery and demand accountability from the local leaders. On 15th
September 2013, leaders of the Forum appeared on Better FM to demand for better
services in Mugusu Sub County. 
“The education sector in Mugusu Sub County is still poor
because of the dormant local leaders. Our Sub County LC III chose Mr. Job
Karamagi as the minister for education and sports who is not mobilizing the
community and making his office dormant. During a community meeting at Magunga
Primary School with the local leaders on April 19th 2013, Mr. Job
Karamagi said that schools had enough toilets yet most schools in the sub
county lack toilets and safe water”, said Mukwano Ssenyonjo, the Chairman of People’s
Rights and Forum for Development in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.
Other members who discussed in the live radio discussion
were Mr. Tibenda Steven the general secretary of the forum, Mr. Aliganyira Julius the Chairperson
of the forum in Nyabuswa Parish, Mugusu Sub County and Mr. Habyona Latiff, the
mobiliser of the forum in Kyozera Parish, Mugusu Sub County.
Mr. Tibenda Steven indicated how the forum had helped Mugusu
Sub County to get better service delivery through monitoring and demanding
accountability from the local leaders. “Through our monitoring activities,
service delivery has improved. We visited the District LC V Chair Person, Mr. Rwabuhinga Richard and demanded
for extension of gravity water to Magunga village and it was done. We wrote to the
Parish Chief of Kiraro about Bwoba-Kiraro road that was in a poor condition and
it was worked on”.

Milton Ainerugaba a
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of SPIDER projects in East
Africa working with WOUGNET (third Right)  meets leaders of Peoples Rights and Forum for Development in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.
 Mr. Aliganyira Julius thanked Toro Dev. for sponsoring the
Listeners Forum radio discussion which has enabled the local citizens to raise their issues and
demand for better service delivery from their local leaders. “We have been
coming on radio and appealing to our local leaders to improve service delivery
in the education and health sector and as I talk, 2 (Two) class rooms have been
built at Nyabuswa Primary School and also Nyabuswa HC II has been promoted to
Local listeners were also able to participate in the live radio
discussion through call INS to raise their issues and concerns. “I request the
moderator to invite our local leaders for the radio discussion so that they can
also give us accountability”, said Grasp from Kabende parish in Hakibaale Sub
County. “Our LC III Chair Person collected money from the local citizens to construct a
bridge on a river but all has been in vain”, said Kajara from Nyantungo Sub
County in Kyenjojo District. “Nyabuswa road is in a very sorry state”, said
Nyinabarongo from Nyabuswa parish in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.
The Listeners Forum Live radio discussion was moderated by
Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred.
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Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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