Mugusu Sub County faces poor services in the security sector.

citizens of Mugusu Sub County in Kabarole District are facing poor services in
the security sector.  The Sub County has
one of the biggest markets in Kabarole District that attracts a big number of
local people from different districts across the country every Wednesday in every
week. The big population of business men and women and their customers that
attend the market has increased cases of insecurity and high crimes in the sub
However, there
is only one police cell in the whole of Mugusu Sub County which was built in
the 1970s for the law breakers. The cell has only one small room that is shared
by men, women and children, dirty and smelling, has cracks all over and is threatening
to fall. 

A cracked
window at Mugusu police cell block
 “As rural monitors, we visited
the police cell and found out that the environment was alarming. Eight (8)
people who were both men and women were sharing a small locked room without blankets, mattresses,
basins, light or a nearer water source. We communicated to the CID of the
police station and he said that he talked to the Sub County leaders about the
issue but all has been in vain. We are following up this issue to see that the
services in the police cell are improved. The prison should be extended,
utensils bought and also cells for men, women and children constructed”, said
Mukwano Ssenyonjo, the Chairman of People’s Rights and Forum for Development in
Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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