Bufunjo advocacy forum members appointed on school and health management committees

Members of Bufunjo
People’s Forum have been appointed on the health management committee of
Bufunjo Health Centre III and board of Bufunjo Secondary school by Bufunjo Sub County Council due to their efforts in advocating for
improved service delivery in Bufunjo Sub County, Kyenjojo District.
The two members of the
advocacy forum are Tumwesigye Andrew and Tibeha John Bosco who were appointed by
the RDC as Chairperson of the Health Management Committee of Bufunjo Health
Center III and Board member of Bufunjo Secondary School respectively.
Bufunjo People’s Forum
has been instrumental in advocating for improved service delivery in Bufunjo
Sub County using appropriate ICT tools especially mobile phone technologies,
online tools like emailing, facebook and ToroDev supported live accountability
talkshows (http://torodev.co.ug/2013/04/11/report-by-bufunjo-peoples-forum-on/).
L-R: Tumwesigye and Tibeha
The advocacy forum has
since November 2012 helped improve health service delivery at the Bufunjo
Health Centre III through advocating for the provision of more medical staff
and medical equipment. Bufunjo Peoples Forum through their advocacy work using
appropriate ICT tools also helped re-instate students of Bufunjo Secondary
School on USE program; the students were removed from the USE program illegally
by the school management. 
The two members were
appointed by the RDC following a meeting with the members of the advocacy forum
and local communities on 8th April. The meeting was aimed at
monitoring service delivery since the office of the RDC is mandated to monitor
service delivery in the district.
“The meeting with the
RDC helped us to get more trust from the community. The RDC was very happy with
our work of monitoring services delivered in our Sub County and he entrusted us
with the powers to serve our people.” Said Tibeha John Bosco, the secretary of
Bufunjo Peoples Forum.
Despite all efforts by
Bufunjo People’s Forum in advocating for improved service delivery, people are still
facing problems of poor roads which have increased accidents and affected the
livelihoods of the rural communities since its affects access to markets and
other vital services like health and education.
“We have lost a man who
fell off a motor cycle because of the high hump, we have tried to approach our
leaders to help us fix the pipe in the ground so that this hump is removed but
there has not been any response from them.” Said Tumwesigye Andrew, the Chairperson
of Bufunjo Peoples Forum.
ToroDev hopes that the
appointment will improve service delivery at Bufunjo Health Centre III and
Bufunjo Secondary School since the two members will directly be involved in
decision making for improved services at the two government facilities.

ToroDev has since 2012
been supporting the initiation of such rural advocacy forums in the seven
districts of the Rwenzori Region. So far, eleven (11) rural advocacy forums
have been initiated by rural monitors (youth and women) who were trained by
ToroDev in online advocacy.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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