Six Youth entrepreneurship groups formed in Kamwenge district

Six youth entrepreneurship groups have been formed in Nkoma
Sub County in Kamwenge district to help in business development among the
heavily unemployed youth in the district. The groups include; Mukore United
Association, Mabale Youth Development Network, Bisozi Parish Youth Association,
Kaberebere Youth Poultry Farmers Club, Kakinga Youth Farmers Group and
Rwembirizi Youth Development Group.
The groups were formed after an entrepreneurship training
workshop under the theme, “innovation and entrepreneurship skills among the
youth.” held at Nkoma Sub-County headquarters on 30th May, 2012. The
training was organized by the Kamwenge district youth Councilor Hon. Monday
Wilson and facilitated by Toro Development Network (ToroDev).
Entrepreneurship Training in Kamwenge District

The 35 participants who attended the one day workshop
were trained in business group formation skills, skills in designing business
plans, credit access, income generation, market access, skills in using ICT’s
like FM radio stations and mobile phones for entrepreneurship development
through information access and sharing.

The Kamwenge District Youth Councilor, Hon. Monday Wilson
appealed to the youth in Nkoma Sub county to get more involved in agriculture
to reduce unemployment among the youth which in affecting the country (Uganda).
Hon. Monday further appealed to the participants to strengthen
their groups and create more partnerships with the civil society and government
to tap the opportunities available for development.
The meeting was also attended by the Nkoma Sub County
Chief, Nkoma Sub County Chairperson and Kamwenge District Speaker.
ToroDev was represented by Johnstone Baguma (Executive
Director) and Akugizibwe Solomon (Media and Communications Officer) who
facilitated the entire one day exercise.
Unemployment rates among the youth in Uganda remain the
highest in the world, government efforts to reduce the unemployment rates among
the youth through initiatives like setting up the Youth Fund has not helped
solve the problem.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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