Leaders urged to begin the healing and reconciliation process in order to build peace in the region.

About 1000 people are
living in a camp at Bubukwanga in Bundibugyo district as a result of the post
election conflicts that emerged after the February general elections. This was
said by Mr. Mutabingwa Joseph from Rwenzori Forum for Peace and Justice (RFPJ)
while appearing live on TooroDev supported ”Listeners forum” program that is
aired live every Sunday from 8:00pm -10:00pm on Jubilee radio.
Mr. Mutabingwa also said that we have people not only from the affected districts but from other
districts country wide who lost elections after even selling their property and
talking sharp words on their opponents on radios and we do not know what those people are
thinking. we therefore need a process of healing and reconciliation in our
people and we request our leaders to begin that process immediately. Mr.
Mutabingwa further said that we need to set goals to achieve our mission we
have for the Rwenzori region and Uganda as a whole to make them better places to stay.
The 2 hours live radio discussion on Post election violence in the Rwenzori region was also attended
by Hon. Enock Byakagaba the Councilor elect for Baazar ward in Fort Portal
municipality who said that much as there has been actions taken to silence the
conflict by a number of actors, some issues are not well attended like
involving victims of the conflict and their relatives and  addressing the problem from the scene not meeting
selected leaders in hotels which does not give other community members chance
to share what they are thinking.
Mr. Byakagaba appealed
to all stakeholders to mobilize ourselves to build a better and conducive
environment where there is no division of citizens based on tribe, religion,
clan, color, language, etc.
Mr. Mukonyezi Winfred Abooki, the Moderator of Listeners Forum Program on Jubilee radio
Callers were given
time to participate in the discussion through call-ins and Sms platform, these
are some of their comments;
‘’ We need to use a participatory approach
where everyone has to be an agent of transformation including churches,
mosques, government, Civil Society Organizations, etc if we are to build peace
in our country’’
, said Kemigabo Monica a caller from Busoro Sub county in
Kabarole district, ‘’we should learn to
live with other cultures and actually appreciate them in order to learn from
their best practices for development. We therefore need tolerance and dialogue
in dealing with conflicts’’
, said Hon. Muntu willy a caller from Ntoroko
district, ‘’ let the people involved in
solving the conflict go and meet from the exact place where conflicts started
than seating in hotels because more information in relation to what may have
caused the conflict can be got from other community members’’
, said Paul a
caller from Bugaki sub county in Kyenjojo district, ‘’ We appreciate the efforts done by ToroDev to keep the populace
informed, however I think we need to use regional approach involving all
stakeholders to address the issue of post elections in the region’’
, said
John Kahunde a caller from Bukuku in Kabarole district.
The program was moderated by Mr. Mukonyezi Wilfred Abooki for Jubilee radio.
We are grateful to all our
for the support towards the running of these programs on

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