Appropriate ICT tools especially Tracfm, radios and accountability meetings have helped improve service delivery through effective monitoring, advocating for improved service delivery and mobilization of the local communities to demand accountability.

In Katebwa sub county,
Kabarole District Songya bridge is being constructed as a result of radio
talkshows , accountability meeting and pressure  put on the leaders through Katebwa  advocacy forum members.
The bridge was washed away by heavy rains in
October 2013 and since then people of Katebwa have been struggling with
movements and their businesses were not going on well, but as a forum we have
never kept quiet we have been holding meetings with duty bearers reminding them
of this bridge, since 2013  we have
organized more than 20 meetings engaging duty bearer and advocating for the bridge,
we are happy  now  because the construction is going on  and 
it’s our great joy as a forum to see that our efforts are not in vain”
.  Said Joy Bwambale the secretary of Katebwa
advocacy forum.
“We  shared our issues with administrators of Tracfm, to suggest  poll questions on transport sector  and bridge constructions and we made sure we participated in answering the poll and calling on radios, we went a head  and requested for  radio talkshows on Hits FM,
Voice of Toro, KRC and  Jubilee etc to talk  about the bridge, we have organized over 8 powerful  accountability meetings  with duty bearers at all levels to discuss
the issue  of the bridge. We are happy that our duty
bearers reported the issue to the government and now as we talk the central government
has started working on the bridge under KAIPU, the progress is so far good
”. Said Ezra  Muhindo
the leader of Katebwa  sub county
NGOs  & CBOs  advocacy
Ezra added to a
larger extent like 80% of this progress is of tracFM and  our effort as a forum, as members of the forum we did not give up participating on polls  and radios 
lobbying and advocating for the bridge, we have organized   several
monthly meetings with the leaders and the community members to discuss
particularly on this bridge, we have mobilized the community to go on the radio
to speak on the same issue over and over, we are happy that we have positive
results now.

Above: Construction work of Nsongya bridge in Katebwa that is on-going currently
Advocacy in all its forms seeks to ensure that people, particularly those who are
most vulnerable in society, are able to have their voices heard on issues that
are important to them. Defend and safeguard their rights, have their views and
wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives. We
are grateful that this forum has been there for the people of Katebwa and now
we see  this bridge constructed due to
the efforts of
Katebwa sub county NGOs &
CBOs  advocacy”
. Said Yoneki  Kithahire, a citizen of Katebwa Sub County.
Nsongya bridge before the start of the construction work
As a forum for Katebwa
sub county NGOs & CBOs we speak up for the people of Katebwa Sub County
whenever they don’t think their voices are being heard.  We serve even individuals
facing a crisis situation or challenge that seems too big to manage; having a
forum like us is a lifeline of hope”.  Said Mukabani Joseph the treasurer
of Katebwa sub county NGOs & CBOs advocacy
Joseph added that advocacy is a very important part of what we
do at Katebwa advocacy forum each one of our programs supports people who have
been disadvantaged, marginalized, or troubled.
For the advocacy forums to do their work effectively we are grateful
to our donors, SIDA, SPIDER, NED,
for their financial support  to do such kind of work. 

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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