ToroDev with financial support from SIDA, NED, SPIDER, CIPESA, WOUGNET,
DRT, ICT4Dem and Indigo Trust, has been able to partner and support the work
done by 20 advocacy forums. (Advocacy forums; are locally organised
community groups that ToroDev initiated to advance the issues of public
accountability at the sub-county level. We currently have 20 spread in the 7
DRT, ICT4Dem and Indigo Trust, has been able to partner and support the work
done by 20 advocacy forums. (Advocacy forums; are locally organised
community groups that ToroDev initiated to advance the issues of public
accountability at the sub-county level. We currently have 20 spread in the 7
“Advocacy forums in partnership with ToroDev use different ICT tools to promote information and
knowledge exchange on accountability and governance issues in the Rwenzori
sub-region. ICTs tools like radio, trac Fm and online social medial were used as a platform by local
citizens to hold duty bearers accountable. It is further are by advocacy forums
to lobby and advocate for improved service delivery. Tracfm, facebook and
Ushahidi platforms were used to generate discussion
issues for radio moderators and who invite duty bearers to respond to the
pressing service delivery issues” .Said Sheila Amanya M&E
Officer ToroDev.
knowledge exchange on accountability and governance issues in the Rwenzori
sub-region. ICTs tools like radio, trac Fm and online social medial were used as a platform by local
citizens to hold duty bearers accountable. It is further are by advocacy forums
to lobby and advocate for improved service delivery. Tracfm, facebook and
Ushahidi platforms were used to generate discussion
issues for radio moderators and who invite duty bearers to respond to the
pressing service delivery issues” .Said Sheila Amanya M&E
Officer ToroDev.
Sheila Added ToroDev in partnership with
advocacy forums uses different offline platforms to promote public
accountability for improved service delivery. For example accountability
meetings is an offline platform has increased citizen participation in public
advocacy forums uses different offline platforms to promote public
accountability for improved service delivery. For example accountability
meetings is an offline platform has increased citizen participation in public
It is during such meetings that Bufunjo Seed
Secondary School in Bufunjo sub-county, Kyenjojo District problems were raised.
The classrooms were in a deplorable condition and there was no apparent plan to
improve them. The local government had
earlier on given money to a contractor who only cleared the ground and dug the
foundation. The contractor then disappeared and left no trace.
Secondary School in Bufunjo sub-county, Kyenjojo District problems were raised.
The classrooms were in a deplorable condition and there was no apparent plan to
improve them. The local government had
earlier on given money to a contractor who only cleared the ground and dug the
foundation. The contractor then disappeared and left no trace.
Above: Bufunjo Seed Secondary School before the new classroom structures
Bufunjo Seed Secondary School after the construction of new classroom structures
Bufunjo Advocacy
forum members took up the issue and requested for airtime 6 times in
accountability radio talkshows sponsored by ToroDev. In discussing the state of
education in Bufunjo this issue was brought up. The head teacher Mr.Byaruhanga
Sylvester participated on the radio talkshows which acted to amplify the
problem. The problem was further projected on different online platforms These
advocacy yielded results when the local government allocated 100M in 2015 to
construct 2 classroom blocks for Bufunjo Seed Secondary School and in 2016 another
100M was released to construct more 2 classroom blocks.
forum members took up the issue and requested for airtime 6 times in
accountability radio talkshows sponsored by ToroDev. In discussing the state of
education in Bufunjo this issue was brought up. The head teacher Mr.Byaruhanga
Sylvester participated on the radio talkshows which acted to amplify the
problem. The problem was further projected on different online platforms These
advocacy yielded results when the local government allocated 100M in 2015 to
construct 2 classroom blocks for Bufunjo Seed Secondary School and in 2016 another
100M was released to construct more 2 classroom blocks.
(Above) Before furnishing the class rooms with desks (Below) After provision of desks in classrooms
was hosted on Better Fm with members of Bufunjo People’ forum wherewe
discussed the poor state of the school infrastructure. We commend the work of
the advocacy forum for advocating for improved service delivery in our areas. I
thank ToroDev for giving us airtime to inform leaders about the school status
and we are happy that leaders responded immediately after the radio talkshow
and in March 2015 we were given a grant of 100m to work on 2 classrooms and buy
desks”. Reported Mr .Byaruhanga Sylvester, the head teacher Bufunjo Seed
Secondary School.
was hosted on Better Fm with members of Bufunjo People’ forum wherewe
discussed the poor state of the school infrastructure. We commend the work of
the advocacy forum for advocating for improved service delivery in our areas. I
thank ToroDev for giving us airtime to inform leaders about the school status
and we are happy that leaders responded immediately after the radio talkshow
and in March 2015 we were given a grant of 100m to work on 2 classrooms and buy
desks”. Reported Mr .Byaruhanga Sylvester, the head teacher Bufunjo Seed
Secondary School.
We are grateful to all our partners SIDA, SPIDER, NED, ICT4DEM, WOUGNET and advocacy forums for the support.