A team from ToroDev together with the area inspector of schools Kyenjojo Madam Stella had a two days field visit in the sub counties of Bufunjo & Nyankwanzi in Kyenjojo district to asses the challenges affecting education in the district. The survey was aimed at finding out what is happening in these schools and how the situation can be improved especially supporting the induction of School Management Committees (SMC’s) & Parents Teachers Association (PTA’s) to play their role of managing the schools to improve performance of children in these schools.
A number of challenges were identified; SMC’s & PTA’s are not aware of their roles, infrastructure is a very big challenge, teacher:pupil ratio, insufficient classrooms, lack of enough desks, sharing of latrine with teachers,etc ToroDev will conduct the training of SMC’s & PTA’s as a ground for improving the performance and also reducing some of the mentioned ailments above (Refer to our earlier article on this blog),http://torodev.blogspot.ug/2016/10/torodevs-upe-schools-baseline-survey.html
Below is a map showing GPS data locations of the visited sub counties & schools in Kyenjojo district;