Promote Private Sector for Development

 ToroDev has for the last 11 years
engaged citizens to participate in governance issues in the Rwenzori region and
this has been done through the use of ICT’s. In partnership with radio
stations, citizens have had engagements with duty bearers and transparency
& accountability has been improved in communities.
On 15th April, 2017
during our weekly radio program (Orukurato) that is aired live every Saturday
8:00pm- 10:00pm on Hits Fm, the moderator engaged listeners through call- inns
& Sms platforms on how service delivery can be improved together with how
economic development can be achieved to improve citizen’s lives.
About 40 people called in and 30
sent Sms messages; ‘’For people to be
economically empowered, they need to have good health, hence we need to
strengthen our health sector by improving the anomalies existing in our health
units for example drug stock-outs, human resource, infrastructure, etc’’,
Fred a caller from Mwibale in Kabarole district, ‘’our education system need to be changed for it is a big concern to
community development where for example today it prepares people to be job
seekers other than job makers, we need to improve on the facilitation with our
schools especially by having trained teachers, scholastic materials, etc if we are
to improve & promote the education sector’’,
said Mr. Aliganyira Chris
a caller from Kicwamba Sub county in Kabarole district, “Uganda bureau of statistics should check out the standards of
industrialization and producers to improve the quality of their products & services
and also provide information services on all matters related to standards of products
that are imported and exported, this will help to boost private industries in the
said Justus a caller from Kabonero in Kabarole district”, “The government of Uganda should improve  private sector  because it can largely be  seen as  an   engine of growth and poverty control, it’s a
sector government  should work   hand in
hand with  private investors if they are
to improve on Uganda’s economic development  considering the number of people employed per
said God Njura a caller from Kakabara in Kyegegwa district’’,“Infrastructure such as roads, rail, airports, water transport,
electricity are significant elements of 
a country’s  economic development,  the government and  all duty bearers should work hand in hand so
that they can work on them and this will help in boosting other sectors like agriculture
since it employs many Ugandans’’,
said Deo Mugisa a caller from Kabarole

& all other development partners for the financial and technical support .

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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