ToroDev held Capacity Building Training of SMCs & PTA Members in Kyenjojo district

The one day capacity building training took place on 6th
April, 2017 at Butunduzi primary school where six (6) schools within Butunduzi Sub
County/ town council on addition to the nineteen (19) schools from Bufunjo
& Nyankwanzi sub counties were trained giving a total number of schools
trained to-date to twenty five (25) in the whole district.
Participants in a group photo after the training at Butunduzi Primary School

The training was facilitated by the district education
officer (DEO) Madam Gertrude Tibakanya together with Madam Stella the area
inspector of schools- Butunduzi in Kyenjojo district.
The training aimed at strengthening the capacity of School
Management Committee members (SMC) and Parents Teachers Association members
(PTA) where knowledge on their roles and responsibilities was imparted on
addition to skills in using ICT to improve the education sector, planning, budgeting,
lobbying, advocacy, monitoring, supervision and to help them become
collaborative, support systems for improving learning amongst students as the
overall objective.
The DEO-Kyenjojo district Madam Gertrude Tibakanya facilitating the training
Madam Gertrude Tibakanya while facilitating said ToroDev has
committed to support the SMC & PTA members with knowledge & skills to
perform their roles & responsibilities better as managers of schools and
equip head teachers with techniques on how to work with school management
committees in schools in order to improve performance, we need to appreciate
their efforts & try to do our roles/responsibilities right after the
training, said Madam Gertrude Tibakanya.  She said PTA members play a big role by
engaging parents to accept and perform their responsibilities towards improving
the education of their children, working on policies that support education of
their children and also building strong partnership between schools and
communities to embrace & support education.
David Kugonza (ToroDev)while sharing with participants
the role of ICT and how they can use ICT tools to improve the education sector
in the district further said the training has been organized to transfer knowledge
and skills to SMC members and PTA members in matters of UPE policies, Use of
ICT tools, how to help female
learners stay in school and reduce school drop-out ,giving skills on  formulating bye-laws on different issues
especially providing lunch at school, etc all aimed at improving the status of
education sector in the district.
ToroDev’s David Kugonza sharing with participants the role of ICT in improving service delivery

 “We thank ToroDev for giving us knowledge and
skills about our roles and our relevancy in schools development as parents
teacher association and school management committees we are going to
cooperation and start working as a team to address issues that have been
affecting our schools to an end and focus on how best we can help our children
to complete education’’
, said Mr. Byabagambi Christopher PTA chairperson,
Rwibaale primary school, “I am happy with
this training which ToroDev has offered, from the knowledge & skills acquired,
we are going to come up with bye-laws which will help us reduce on some
problems that have caused  our children
to drop out from schools such as launch so that absenteeism & drop outs
become history in our schools hence better performance in our schools’’
said Mr.  Kahigwa Tinka Chris, SMC
chairperson Butunduzi primary school, “we
have fully known  our roles &
responsibilities out of this training, we now know what can be done to improve
performance of students & development in schools,  we promise ToroDev that we are going to
increase planning, monitoring, advocacy &  supervision for better results in our schools’’
said Richard Musinguzi, Deputy head Teacher Nyabubale primary school, “We thank ToroDev for this training and what
they have done to words education sector in our district and promise to
regularly attend meetings whenever we are called upon because we now realize that
through meetings development and general performance of our schools is the
available platform for us to discuss developmental issues’’
, said Mr.
Ntumwa Masiri, SMC chairperson Rugora primary school.

A participant making a comment during the training

We thank SIDA, NED,
Kyenjojo district Education department & all
other development partners for the financial and technical support to extend
services to our people.

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Ben Chilwell

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