Effective land use management a responsibility for all stakeholders

Given the background
of Uganda being a back bone of Agriculture, it is said that over 80% of the
citizens in this country practice agriculture as an income venture. Of recent
there have been issues with land management where we see evictions,
encroachment of wetlands, etc imparting more on the environment yet the
concerned authorities who would be helping in sensitizing the masses on
sustainable land management are the culprits in land mismanagement.
Development network through our weekly radio talk shows have tried to sensitize
the masses on issues that concern them and those that affect service delivery
to have views from citizens on what needs to be done before calling the
attention of the duty bearers.
 On 2nd April, 2017 through our
weekly talk show (Listeners’ forum) on Jubilee radio that is aired every Sunday
8-10pm we hosted Mr. Nyemera Trevor the vice chairperson for Kiguma parish in
Bukuuku sub county Kabarole district where he urged duty bearers to take
serious land issues for they are affecting economic development in the
community. The issue of land is pertinent for it facilitates livelihood,
production, economic transformation, etc hence we need to work as a team as
leaders in communities to solve the issues on land if we are to accelerate
development in our communities. 
‘’Land is increasingly
becoming an important governance issue in our country due to the increased
population in Uganda and it has resulted into conflicts in the region since some
investors and other  individuals  are taking peoples land something that has
increased land wrangles in our areas especially people who are not compensated when
for example government is setting projects like roads, schools, factories, etc,
this has increased poverty & instabilities’’
, said Mr. Nyemera Trevor.
Trevor said duty bearers need to commit themselves in
solving land issues by looking into the structures so that the issue of
ownership and compensation are addressed. He said this will help in land
governance & rights issues that protect individuals hence improving the
economic status and increased house hold income.
The two hours live discussion was joined by listeners from
Rwenzori region and more than 30 people called in and 12 sent Sms; “What is happening now in Uganda is about massive
land grabbing  by different  class of people over small farmers  and poor people, government should come up with
laws that favor land owners to help the common person’’
,  said Charles from Kibito Kabarole district,” land wrangles have increased insecurities in
Uganda and in our region at large but members of parliament should first come
on ground and get views from the electorates before they pass land laws
’’, said
Isazi lyabato from Kahangi  in Kabarole
district , ”Duty bearers should protect
their people since they represent them at different levels especially at
parliament because they play a big role in discussing & passing laws that
govern the country’’
, said Akiiki Mary from Kyenjojo district, “The government should come up with strict
laws and technical reforms restructured with ideas from people on ground, this
will help both land owners and investors both from private and government
Said Bagonza Dickluck   a caller from Kyenjojo district.
We thank SIDA, NED,
& all other development partners for the
financial and technical support to run these programs.

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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