ToroDev Team attended Kabarole District Council to assess the performance of Councilors who were trained in November 2016.

ToroDev on 10th &
11th November, 2016 was in Kabarole & Ntoroko districts building
capacity of district councilors. The objective of the training aimed at
empowering the district councilors with knowledge and skills to effectively
play their roles of representation and legislation aiming at improving priority
service delivery in the Rwenzori sub-region within a given period of time.
The district chairperson Hon. Richard Rwabuhinga making a presentation during council meeting
The orientation training aimed
at empowering, motivating and encouraging female councilors to fully
participate in raising motions and general council proceedings other than being
dominated by their male counterparts. This followed the remarks made by Kabarole
district speaker Hon. Stella Kyorampe that female participation in council
proceedings was estimated at 20% where they leave male councilors to talk and
debate on issues something we wanted to see changing in a near future.
On 30th June 2017,
ToroDev team attended the Kabarole district council to assess the performance
of women, youth & other councilors and also track outcomes of the training.
After the council session the team interacted with key district officials to
hear their views whether the training yielded results or not.
‘’I observed women competing with male counterparts to talk during
deliberations in council session. For example out of fifteen (15) female
councilors who attended the council session, at least ten (10) were actively
deliberating without any hindrance during the council proceedings’’
, said
David Kugonza, ToroDev’s Documentation & Communications Officer.
A woman Councilor deliberating during Kabarole district council meeting on 30th June,2017 
David further said that 2-3
women were able to raise motions & actively participate during council
proceedings before the training done by ToroDev compared to ten (10) women to date
who were competing with male councilors to attract the speakers ‘eye and were
given the microphone to debate as observed during council proceedings on 30th
June 2017. We are hopeful that by end of three (3) years the district councils
will be deliberating on key priority issues from communities focusing on
improved service delivery.
‘’We really appreciate ToroDev
for the training because there is a big difference from the way our councilors
are deliberating now as compared to that time before the training. Women could
fear to talk and male councilors were dominating the council proceedings. This
trend has changed where women are actively deliberating on development issues
and now could be graded at 60% compared to 20% before the training’’, said
Smarts Bwango the clerk to council Kabarole district.
The Clerk to Council Smarts Bwango clarifying on an issue raised by a council during the council session
‘’Iam happy that the youth councilors are able to come up with
recommendations to the district council like organizing a district youth council
to plan for the funds accrued from the youth center to be invested in other
income generating ventures to benefit the youth further. I personally credit
this on the training conducted by ToroDev’’
, said Hon. Richard
Rwabuhinga Kabarole district chairperson. 
We are grateful to SIDA, NED, SPIDER, CIPESA, ICT4DEM & all our development partners for the support.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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