ToroDev in partnership with Nderema grand Association carries out field exercise to assess the Health Unit Management Committee members that were trained by ToroDev in April 2017.

With support from ToroDev in
partnership with SIDA, advocacy forums have been facilitated to go on
ground and monitor services in health, education and economic development
sectors. In the month of April 2017 ToroDev trained 89 HUMC members from 15
health centres in their roles and responsibilities in the district of Kyegegwa.
The HUMC members were linked to the members of advocacy forums operating in the
same district to network and work together to advocate for better services.
the training of HUMC members action points were set including HUMC to improve
their planning, budgeting and monitoring roles, to hold and attend quarterly
meetings, to bridge the gap between the community and the health facility, to work
with the In-charges to develop work plans and monitor day to day operations of
the facility among others. To follow up these action points Nderema grand association was
facilitated in the month of June 2017 to move on ground and interact with In-charges
of sampled HCs who were part of the training.
Members of Nderema Grand Association interacting with a Health official during the assessment exercise 

“The key objective of this field exercise was to
interact with in charges of different HCs to assess if there is any change
since the members of HUMCs were trained in April and follow up the action
points members suggested to do after the training.Through this 7 HUMC
members were  reached
including  Hapuyo H/CIII, Kakabara H/CIII, Kigambo H/CIII,
Kazinga H/CIII, Karwenyi H/CIII, Kasule H/CIII  Wekomiire H/CIII   beginning from 29/5/2017, 30th/05/2017
31st/05/2017, 16/6/2017 and 14/6/2017” Said . Nduhura Phenehans
Nderema Grand Association.

“As an in-charge I am happy that since the training of HUMC
members things are done better especially the planning and monitoring roles.  HCMC members were trained in how to execute
their roles and responsibilities in April and since then members have been coming
frequently to monitor the health facility and supervise the drugs delivery,
they come over to interact with the patients and staff and monitor different
projects going on. This used not to be a case before the training, where
members never had any interest in coming to do their supervisory role; I give
the credit to the training
.” Said the In-charge Kakabara H/CIII during the meeting with. Nduhura
Phenehans the coordinator of Nderema forum in Kyegegwa district.
The coordinator Nderema Grand Association Mr. Nduhura receiving feedback from the In-charge of Wekomire HC III during their field exercise

There is an improvement in the way the
quarterly meetings are conducted now and before HUMC members were trained. The
last meeting we conducted before the training in December 2016 the In-charge
was the one chairing the meeting but since the orientation the meeting held in
May 2017 was chaired by the chairperson and it was participatory and not
controlled by one person like how the case used to be before the training.”

Said HUMC member of Kazinga H/CIII,

We are happy that we now use ICT tools and we access information online,
information on budget release, Health policy etc HUMC members  are now doing their monitoring role very well
we receive members 3-4 times a month compared to 1 time before the training and
  participation in the quarterly meetings
is excellent
Said   the In charge of Kazinga H/C III.
the training took place HUMC members have got better ideas in lobbying and
advocating for better services from different stakeholders and Am proud that
members have been advocating for community support of the HC through making
announcements in churches and through VHTs this used not to be the case before
the orientation”.
Said the In charge Wekomiire HCIII
The In charge of
Wekomiire HCIII added, members are now very organized, minutes of the previous meetings
are well typed and shared before the next meeting, there is a sense of
seriousness because members have understood their roles in planning during
meetings. Am sure our next meeting scheduled for 15th/June/2017 about
90% of members will attend compared to other meetings held before the training
where 35% would attend.
A member of HUMC filling the feedback guide questionnaire at Kakabara HC 111 to assess impact of ToroDev’s HUMC training in Kyegegwa district

The  last meeting was held on 20/5/2017 and the
attendance was 95 % compared to other meetings before the training where the
attendance was about 45%, we now see members are willing to serve and we credit
all these changes to the training because from the training, they know their
roles and responsibilities better than before
”. Said the In-Charge Kasule H/CIII 

“I have seen a change already since  the training took place in Kyegegwa
district,  for example now HUMC members
are actively coming on ground to  monitor  health facilities   2-3 times in a month compared to one or none
before the training to me this is a change already, more still  when a 
quarterly  meeting was  held in April, 85% attended compared to 40%
before the training, the training is yielding positive results and more are yet
to happen”
Said Sakaya Catherine the In-Charge Karwenyi HCIII, during the meeting with. Nduhura Phenehans the
coordinator of Nderema forum Kyegegwa district.
As HUMC members we  realized that some staff are not active and
have weaknesses of coming to work late, they are lazy and we decided to report
this to the health official, further  investigations
were done and these Staff  are to be
transferred to other HCs and  be replaced
with new ones
.” Said the In-charge of Kakabara HCIII.
However the
following challenges are still hindering the HUMC members from executing their
roles well; limited facilitation as a refund for the HUMC members since they
come from far and limited powers to make decisions by HUMC members especially
in Kakabara HCIII.
Nderema grand
association suggested that the government should revise the facilitation of the
HUMC members as they also continue monitoring health centers and do their
monitoring & supervisory roles effectively in day to day running of health
centers and overall health service delivery system in Kyegegwa district.
ToroDev we are grateful to SIDA, NED, DRT, CIPESA, SPIDER, and ICT4DEM
for their financial and technical support

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Ben Chilwell

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