Members of parliament need to consider electorates views before amending Article 102(b) of the constitution.

through her weekly ‘Orukurato’ talk show that is aired live every Saturday
8pm-10pm on Hits Fm on 23rd September, 2017 hosted Hon. Enock
Byakagaba, a division councilor in Fort portal municipality, Mr. Baguma
Patrick the Fort Portal municipality FDC vice chairperson and Hon.Herbert Mugisa chairperson LCIII South division who discussed the
on-going debate in Uganda’s parliament where Article 102 (b) of the constitution
that talks about age limit is in the processes of being amended.
The three shared with listeners their opinions
especially on what they thought to be done before any amendment of the
constitution.‘’I think as Ugandans
especially our members of parliament have a lot to discuss at this time
especially issues that impart directly to service delivery sectors like
education, health, economic development, infrastructure, etc other than the age
limit debate which seem to be focusing on making the current president as an
individual eligible for another term of service than a country’s development,
we need to build our country to truth, justice and reconciliation if we are to
have successful democratic engagements as a country’’
, said Patrick Baguma.
‘’We appreciate what the president has done
for the country in the last 30 years towards improving and developing our
country.  The idea of amending article
102(b) of the constitution will take the country back in conflicts and will
guarantee life presidency and its unfortunate that our members of parliament and the
leaders we elect to represent us are the ones proposing the idea of amending
our constitution without consulting citizens. Article 102 (b) states that a
person is not qualified for election as president of Uganda if he or she is
“less than thirty-five years (35) and or more than seventy-five (75) years of
age which disqualifies President Museveni, what is happening now in the country
is aimed at benefiting an individual to rule the country until he decides to
, said Hon
Enock Byakagaba.
urge our leaders not to rush amending the constitution but focus on other
service delivery issues that benefit the common man and if they are to amend
the article, they should  consult citizens and hear their
views/opinions on the matter because even the constitution provides for a referendum
in case of such disagreements’’
,said Herbert Mugisa chairperson LCIII South division. 
During the 2
hours live discussion over 30 listeners participated by calling in to share
their views on the matter,” Why is
it  that the  president has failed to come out and say
something on age limit amendment bill so that the country can know  who is behind it”, asked Patrick from Kasenda
Kabarole district, ‘’why is it that our MPs  are concentrating a lot on age limit bill not
on under-performing sectors in the country like education, health, among others,
asked Badru from Rubona Kabarole district, ‘’Members of parliament will be
blamed if article 102(b) in the constitution will be amended and most likely
they will pay for their actions when they come back to ask for votes from  electorates in 2021’’, Said Waswa from Kasunga
Nyanja in Bunyangabu district. 
We take a great opportunity to thank SIDA, NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM, CIPESA &
all our development partners for financial support.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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