Accountability is a Cornerstone of good governance

The executive director of Kabarole Research and Resource
Centre ( KRC) Mr. Mwanga Julius saluted Kabarole district leadership for being
exemplary in giving accountability to the people of Kabarole district and Toro
as a region.

Mr. Mwanga said this while presenting a communique’ on
behalf of NGOs/CSOs operating in Rwenzori region at the district leaders
conference on 29th May 2015 at Kabarole district headquarters,
Kitumba Fort portal municipality.
The well attended conference had chairperson LC 1s, LC11s,
LC 111s, councilors, RDC, CAO, Technical staff among, representatives of
NGOs/CSOs, religious leaders others and it was organized by Kabarole district
local government.
Article by:
Kugonza David
Documentation &
Communication Officer
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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