Leaders advised to promote effective supervision in the Health sector
The vice chairperson Local Council III South division Fort portal municipality Mr. Kayondo Henry has called upon leaders in the district and those out side
The vice chairperson Local Council III South division Fort portal municipality Mr. Kayondo Henry has called upon leaders in the district and those out side
Burahya county Member of Parliament honorable Margret Muhanga Mugisa while appearing live on ToroDev supported weekly radio program “Orukurato” on 7th January, 2017 said we
The Kabarole district health educator madam Catherine Kemigabo has urged political leaders & health workers in the district to build team work while working together
On 15th, 16th and 18th December 2016, ToroDev held rural radio magazines/ debates in three districts of the Rwenzori Sub Region to capture issues and
Political leaders can be barriers or accelerators of existing health policies in any country depending on the way they disseminate information or do their advocacy.
Hon. Musinguzi Peter the district chairperson representing Rubona subcounty & Rubona town council who also doubles as secretary for finance at Kabarole district local government
The Uganda national roads authority (UNRA) health & safety officer Mr. Kagaba Steven has called for a collective responsibility in the monitoring of health centers
The two days capacity building training was held on 10th & 11th November, 2016 at the district head quarters in Kabarole District. The training was
ToroDev held a two days capacity building training of 183 School management committees and Parent Teachers Association Members from the 19 sampled UPE schools in
ToroDev in partnership with Kyenjojo NGO’s/CBO’s forum mobilized CSO’s in Kyenjojo district to prepare for a joint communiqué on what CSO’s have done, their commitments
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