Bufunjo People’ Forum advocates for the transfer of a health worker for misconduct.

We received an outcry from concerned
citizens of Bufunjo Sub County in Kyenjojo District complaining about Mr. Mugisha
Tumwine Salongo, the laboratory assistant at  Bufunjo health centre III  after seeing him  fighting with  fellow staff.  According to eye witnesses & other staff
members, Mugisha used to attack fellow workers, abuse them publically and this
was the third time seen fighting fellow staff
”, Said Andrew Tumwesigye the
leader of Bufunjo People’ Forum.
Andrew added
that when we received this complaint as human rights defenders we visited the
health centre and held a meeting with the in charge of the health centre and
inquired on what was going on, we found out the truth and the in-charge
explained to us that Mugisha has been warned but he could not change and he
asked us to help them handle Mugisha’s behaviors. After the meeting we took
another step of writing a letter to the Chief Administrator Officer (CAO)
Kyenjojo district through the District health officer Kyenjojo district and the
district chairperson to take action on Mugisha.
We are happy that the district officials
responded to the letter and the transfer letter was sent to Mugisha. As we talk
he has been transferred to another place and we have peace at the health centre
Said Twinomujuni John, Secretary of Bufunjo People’s Forum  
Mugisha ran away with the Microscope of the health centre but we have reported
the case and he will bring it back because he is followed up by the district
officials and we shall work with them to see that  this equipment is back to the health centre”.
Said Margret Tugume treasurer of Bufunjo People’s Forum 
The Microscope that Mr. Mugisha
disappeared with

As ToroDev we appreciate the good work done
by the advocacy forums in  defending
people’ rights, demanding for justice, advocating for better services,
demanding accountability from duty bearers without fear or favor and monitoring
government services among other activities. We shall keep supporting and encouraging
the members of the 20 advocacy forums to
continue using both physical meetings and ICT tools to advocate for improved
service delivery”
. Said Sheila Amanya M&E officer ToroDev.

 Thanks to our partners for the financial and
technical support
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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