Bukuuku citizens appeal for improved service delivery

Residents of Bukuuku Sub County, Kabarole District have
appealed to their local leaders to improve the administration of the sub county
which is affecting service delivery. While appearing on ToroDev supported
accountability live radio discussion on Better FM called the ‘Listeners Forum’ on 8th
September, 2013, the local citizens indicated that there is confusion in the
administration of the Sub County following the creation of Karago Town Council
which was formerly in Bukuuku Sub County.
Kabarole District Chairperson
“There is poor service delivery in Bukuuku. Sub County
leaders should not come back to collect taxes if they can’t provide us with
good services.” Said Ndabitunga Charles while appearing on the weekly 2hour
live radio discussion.
Other local citizens who participated on the live
radio discussion are Nyemera Trevor, Kahunde John, Sabiti Rose, Kayondo
Rubaale, Kiiza Francis, Kamihanda Silva, Mwesige Robert and Kihiika Kesi Mwamba.
The local citizens further indicated that there is
confusion in the administration of the Sub County and confusion on the location
of the Sub County Headquarters making it hard for local citizens to meet their
local leaders and other government technocrats to discuss issues of service
“There is no information flow from local leaders and
local citizens. Since the start of Karago T.C, there is confusion on the
administration of Bukuuku Sub County. Many places like Kiguma Parish are not accessing
Service delivery.” Said Trevor Nyemera.
However, local citizens have appealed to the people of
Bukuuku Sub County to participate in government planning, Budgeting and service
delivery monitoring to improve delivery of government services without leaving
everything to the government.
“The only medicine to get improved service delivery is
for people to actively participate in monitoring service delivery. Kiguma (parish
in Bukuuku Sub County) has been marginalised because both its local citizens
and local leaders aren’t participating in decision making at the Sub County
level.” Said Kiiza Francis.
Meanwhile, the chairperson LCII for Kiguma Parish
appealed to both the Sub County and district leaders to quickly construct the
Sub County Headquarters so that government services can be brought closer to
the local citizens.

The Live radio discussion which was analysing service
delivery in Bukuuku Sub County, Kabarole District was moderated by Mukonyezi
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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