Campaign to mobilize funds for Heart machine!

Heart machine

On 18th April 2015 Mr.
Asiimwe Bob a local citizen of Fort portal, Kabarole district and Dr
Musinguzi  Edwin  a medical doctor of  Buhinga Regional Referral Hospital in
Kabarole district, were hosted live on Hits Fm Orukurato talkshow to give un
update  about  mobilizing for funds to acquire a heart
machine for Rwenzori Region  

the funds for the heart machine in Kabarole came after the death of Hon Halima
Wakabu the director of Green circle school in Fort portal Municipality in 2013.
The main reason for us to appear on this radio talkshow today is to  update people of Rwenzori Region how far the
fundraising has reached, what next can be done to raise the funds  and what can be done to see that we have the
machine in place?,  I think we  can mobilize 
resources  through organising events like  charity walk, marathon, dinners, etc so that
the required amount for the machine is collected”  Said Asiimwe Bob.
Bob added that since 2013 when the account was
opened, there is currently a cash collection of 1.156.275= (one million one
hundred fifty six thousand two hundred seventy five shillings). Three people
deposited and these are Hon. Alex Ruhunda (one million Ugandan Shillings), and
concerned citizens that is Mr Mwesige (100,000=) and Mr.  Richard (100,000=) 
Our lifestyles have  led to
increased diseases especially heart related diseases and high blood pressure, our
habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating habits, lack of exercising, too
much relaxation, etc are the main causes of high blood pressure and heart diseases,
we need to have this machine in place to reduce on the costs of traveling to
”. Said Dr. Musinguzi Edwin of Buhinga Regional Referral Hospital in
Kabarole district.’
Dr.Musinguzi  added the only way to fight the above disease  everyone need to  avoid smoking tobacco, avoid eating
too much meat and oily staff, do regular exercises, stop covering food with
polythene bags (buvera), do regular medical checkups and embrace the government
proposed vaccination campaign If we are to succeed in fighting cancer.
 During the 2 hours program over 15 people called in and over 10 sent messages to contribute to the topic.

If we can fully coordinate with our
leaders, we cannot fail to buy the heart machine, lets work hand in hand with the leaders
“. Said  Edward  a caller from Fort portal.
We dont have any doctor who can work on heart issues so even if we get the machine it will also require to have a medical doctor to operate“.  James  a caller from Kamengo, Kabarole district
The 2 hour live radio discussion
was moderated by Mr. Kasigazi Willy Donanto and is supported  by ToroDev in
partnership with SIDA, NED, DRT,SPIDER, ICT4 Dem, and Hits Fm
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Ben Chilwell

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