Candidates and their campaign agents urged to stop destroying posters of their opponents

Mr. Ssenyonjo Mukwano, the chairperson of Peoples Rights and forum for development based in Mugusu Sub County Kabarole district has reminded the campaigning agent
of some candidates who destroy the opponents’ posters from public places to desist
from the practice because in so doing one commits an offence & if caught, one
will be charged in the courts of laws. Mr. Ssenyonjo said this while appearing
on ToroDev supported live radio discussion that is aired live on Jubilee radio
every Sunday 8:00pm – 10pm. ‘’The Electoral commission Act; advises
any person destroying the candidates’ posters that it is an offence and that if
a poster is in a wrong place, one can use the correct procedure to relocate them’
said Mr. Ssenyonjo Mukwano
Mr. Ssenyonjo said, if one has decided to vote candidate x,
even when a poster is destroyed it won’t change the choice of his/her candidate.
He requested for fair laws to allow people support a party or a candidate of
his/her choice since we are in multiparty system and urged candidates and their
agents to  avoid using abusive language while
looking for votes  so that we can remain
brothers & sisters even after the elections have ended.
Meanwhile Mr. Mpoza Joseph the Democratic Party (DP) spokesperson
for Kabarole district condemned the actions of the police that they sometimes
get information of people removing and destroying other candidate’s posters but
fail to act which makes voters think that they might be supporting the actions
of these groups of people.
The 2 hours live radio discussion was joined by number of
listeners through Sms, facebook and call-ins;
‘’ Some candidates agents remove posters to create for a
sympathy vote to the people they support, I strongly condemn it’’, said Annet
Birungi a caller from Rwengoma in Fort Portal, ‘’ when my candidates’ posters
are destroyed, that does not change my choice of a candidate’’, said Gorreti
Mucwankwanzi a caller from Bugunda, Hakibale Sub County Kabarole district.

We are grateful to our development partners; SIDA, NED, DRT, ICT4DEM, & SPIDER
for the financial & technical support.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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