Celebrating of the World Press Freedom Day

On 3rd May 2014, panelists appeared on HITS FM
to discuss the world press freedom day and how the media has contributed in
developing the country. “In 1993, third of April was declared a world press
freedom day by the United Nations in Windhoek, Namibia to help foster freedom
of the press in Africa. World Press Freedom Day emphasizes universal rights as
set forth in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which was
written and adopted in 1948. This section of the Declaration states that
everyone has the right to seek and relay information, regardless of their
location or circumstances”, said Bamanyisa Patrick, leader of Rwenzori
Journalist Forum. The panelist was discussing on ToroDev’s supported ‘Orukurato
Program’, a 2hr weekly live radio discussion that discusses issues of
accountability every Saturday (8:00-10:00pm).
Members of Rwenzori Journalist Forum
Other panelists who participated in the live radio
discussion included Mr. Mugisa Herbert a local leader, Mr. Tusiime Francis the
coordinator of Rwenzori Journalist Forum and Mr. Ainganiza Wadel a news editor
at Voice of Tooro, all from Fort Portal Municipality, Kabarole District.
During the radio discussion, Mr. Ainganiza indicated the
qualifications of a proper journalist. “A journalist must be educated with all
the skills and qualities of journalism, with either a diploma or degree in mass
communication. The work of journalists is to collect news/information and news
editors are supposed to filter this information and broadcast the positive/good
information and leave out the biased information. Therefore, as journalists, we
have to always be objective and make proper research so that the information we
give benefits society rather than destroying it”.
Mr. Francis also participated in the live radio discussion
by indicating the achievements that have been realized by the media.
“Journalists have helped in raising people’s voices, advocating for better
governance and informing/sensitizing the society. However, journalists still
face challenges of getting false information, harassments from leaders and
individuals, interference from security agencies towards their work, among
Meanwhile, Mr. Mugisa Herbert participated in the live radio
discussion by appreciating the work done by journalists. “Society wants news so
as to be informed. As leaders, we have not gone back to sensitize the
community, even when we call for public meetings, few people attend because
many are not interested due to the bias that they have on leaders. The media
has helped us to fill this gap through providing information on radios,
newspapers/letters, among others”.
The live radio discussion was moderated by Mr. Kasigazi
Willy Donanto.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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