Citizens demand for more accountability

Local Citizens in the Rwenzori Region have appealed to
the local leaders to strengthen their accountability mechanisms to ensure
improved service delivery. The local citizens made the call during discussions
on the ‘Listeners Forum’ radio talkshow on Better FM on Sunday, 7th
July 2013 under the theme, “Improving service delivery in Uganda; A case of
Rwenzori Region.” Local citizens participated in the radio discussion through call-ins
and SMS.
“Kyenjojo leaders should give accountability to ensure
better services,” said Alero a caller from Kyenjojo District. “ToroDev should
put in more effort to ensure that leaders give accountability. Our leaders in
Hakibaale don’t give use accountability,” said Mugisa Moses a caller from
Hakibaale Sub County, Kabarole District. “What is worsening service delivery is
long stay in leadership without proper accountability systems,” said Baluku
Israel from Kasese. “Before working on roads, put the information on notice
boards,” said Latif Magunga from Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District

The Listener’s Forum Facebook Page
ToroDev staff, Solomon Akugizibwe who participated on
the radio discussions to sensitise local citizens on service delivery and
accountability appealed to the local citizens to organise themselves into rural
advocacy forums to effectively monitor service delivery and participate in
planning and budgeting processes.
Akugizibwe also highlighted the factors affecting
service delivery as corruption, huge administrative expenditure by the
government, limited participation of the local citizens in planning and
budgeting processes among others.
During the two hour live radio discussion on
accountability, ToroDev staff also appealed to the government through the
electoral commission to strengthen their civic education programmes so that
local citizens’ can be aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Akugizibwe also appealed to the local leaders to
ensure improved access to information by the local citizens through making the
Bills of Quantities (BOQs) public and other government information related to
budgeting and planning. Public access to information will ease government work
since local citizens will effectively participate in monitoring government
projects. When local citizens are aware, they will also effectively participate
in government planning, budgeting and decision making.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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