Citizens Efforts contributing to improved service delivery

Bufunjo people’s forum, an advocacy group situated in
Bufunjo Sub County, Kyenjojo district has mobilized community members mostly
from the parishes of Nyamanga & Kisangi to construct Kahumbo Bridge
connecting the two parishes. After making requests from the district leadership
of Kyenjojo in vain the Forum leaders together with community members thought
of involving one of the aspirants for the Mwenge north Member of Parliament in
Kyenjojo district whom they contacted and accepted to support them with 12
culverts to construct the bridge. Their intervention started in August 2015 and
in September 2015 they had got the culverts and put on the Kahumbo Bridge.
Kahumbo Bridge in Bufunjo sub county, Kyenjojo district which was constructed by community members and now due to heavy rains in the area they can not cross to other villages
’We put the culverts
on the bridge with the help of community members and people had started
crossing to other parishes freely but due to the rains being much in the area,
it has again affected peoples movements but once rain reduces or during dry
season people will move freely without interference’’
, said Tumwesigye
Andrew the leader of the advocacy forum.
’ We thank the aspirant Mr. Akugizibwe
Lawrence for the support in form of culverts, the people of Nyamanga &
Kisangi parishes for the cooperation and ToroDev for the monthly facilitation
and skills in monitoring service delivery, at least there is improvement where
accessing other villages is not a big problem as it used to be’’,
said Twineomujuni
John, the Forum secretary.

We are grateful to our partners for the technical and
financial support. 
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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