The civic education skits are played on ToroDev’ three supported programs, Orukurato’
on Hits FM, Listener’ forum on Jubilee radio and Manya Abugabe Bwawe on KRC FM and
listeners participate through calling in and SMS sharing the Information learnt
from the skit.
on Hits FM, Listener’ forum on Jubilee radio and Manya Abugabe Bwawe on KRC FM and
listeners participate through calling in and SMS sharing the Information learnt
from the skit.
The moderator guides the
discussion by showing the need for such skits which have educative information on people’ rights, political
parties, Voters rights, importance of participating in voting exercises. “As per now voters are viewing the
applications of candidates and it is upon them to make informed decisions
having got a chance to listen to such programs on different radio stations,
they can make an informed discussion and vote wisely”. Said Mr. Kasigazi
Donanto the moderator of ‘Orukurato’ program at Hits fm.
discussion by showing the need for such skits which have educative information on people’ rights, political
parties, Voters rights, importance of participating in voting exercises. “As per now voters are viewing the
applications of candidates and it is upon them to make informed decisions
having got a chance to listen to such programs on different radio stations,
they can make an informed discussion and vote wisely”. Said Mr. Kasigazi
Donanto the moderator of ‘Orukurato’ program at Hits fm.
It’s your right to vote
The skit runs for 25 minutes and the other hours are
given to the callers to share what they have learnt from the skits.
given to the callers to share what they have learnt from the skits.
‘’We should stop campaigns based
on tribes, religion and other sectarian backgrounds because they will not build
our nation and communities’’. Said Daniel a caller from Harugongo in
Kabarole district,
on tribes, religion and other sectarian backgrounds because they will not build
our nation and communities’’. Said Daniel a caller from Harugongo in
Kabarole district,
‘’We need to vote candidates with manifestos that touch the needs of
community members like health, education, roads, etc other than voting based on
tiny gifts given by candidates’’. Said Abdullah, a caller from Kyegegwa
community members like health, education, roads, etc other than voting based on
tiny gifts given by candidates’’. Said Abdullah, a caller from Kyegegwa
‘’ The skits of this
type is helping voters especially in villages to know what is required before voting, its guiding people to
know their rights and to be part of the voting , we thank ToroDev for the work
well done on educating us on things to do with elections’’. Said Joyce Kamanyire, a caller from
Kagote in Kabarole district,
type is helping voters especially in villages to know what is required before voting, its guiding people to
know their rights and to be part of the voting , we thank ToroDev for the work
well done on educating us on things to do with elections’’. Said Joyce Kamanyire, a caller from
Kagote in Kabarole district,
Participate in Voting for your right leader
‘’The ballot is done by secret and I advise people creating violence
in their homes and villages to stop doing that , especially those supporting different candidates, keeping
silent is the best option because when it comes to election day you vote alones’’. Said Hon. Kabobo a caller from
Kamwenge district.
in their homes and villages to stop doing that , especially those supporting different candidates, keeping
silent is the best option because when it comes to election day you vote alones’’. Said Hon. Kabobo a caller from
Kamwenge district.
“There is life after
elections so peace is needed before and after election, I urgue everyone to
vote and keep peace”. Said Mukonyezi Winfred
the moderator of Listeners forum talk show on Jubilee Fm
elections so peace is needed before and after election, I urgue everyone to
vote and keep peace”. Said Mukonyezi Winfred
the moderator of Listeners forum talk show on Jubilee Fm
For all the three
talkshows a total number of 75 people both male and female called in and around
15 people sent sms on Hits FM. .
talkshows a total number of 75 people both male and female called in and around
15 people sent sms on Hits FM. .
We are grateful to our partners SIDA, SPIDER, NED, DRT, ICT4DEM &
WOUGNET, for the financial & technical support.
WOUGNET, for the financial & technical support.