Civil Society Organizations in Kabarole District appreciated for their Services

The 6th Annual Leaders Conference for Kabarole District was held on May 31st 2019 under the Theme: ‘’Accountable Leadership, Focused on Efficient Service Delivery’’.  Each year the leaders of Kabarole district at all levels right from village to district get an opportunity to interact and get together with a view of giving accountability to citizens. The innovation is important to the district leaders because it gives them a platform to deliver the state of the district report which is a legal requirement to the people of Kabarole. In such a gathering, they  do not only report to Council but to the entire Leadership of the district of over 1000 people including; political and technical, religious and civil right from village level to district level and national level. Also such innovation helps district leaders to get instant feedback from the field but also helps them to get a feel of what people think is not going well in the areas of service delivery.

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Kabarole, Madam  Sanyu Phionah, while giving opening remarks said, this is a development innovation where accountability of what is done with the merger resources received from central government is done.  She recognized the role of other development partners like civil society organizations in the development of the district.  The CAO urged participants to get time read and understand the magazine with details of the accountability such that they may explain to those who are not here physically.

Some of the Participants listening to accountability speech during the leaders conference

Civil society organizations are always given platform to share what they think needs to be done by district leaders and this time organizations under Governance Cluster met and prepared their report that was shared by Rwenzori Anti Corruption Coalition (RAC) the current host of the Governance Cluster forum in Rwenzori region.  While sharing the report, Mr. Manyindo Emmy the chairperson RAC appreciated the cordial relationship the district has had with civil society organizations. Appreciated the district for the services rendered in communities. He showed it that much as there is a step being taken in improving services in the district, issues of absenteeism of pupils, teachers in schools still exist, absenteeism of health workers and other civil servants especially those at lower local governments like Sub counties, inadequate drugs at health centers, impassable roads especially during rainy season, inadequate supply of Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) seeds and seedlings and late supply done after the planting season is over, etc . Civil Society organizations urged central government to increase funding of local governments from the current 14% to at least 20% to help then fulfill the demands from citizens and efficient and effective service delivery in communities.

Emmy Manyindo from RAC sharing Civil Society  Report during the Leaders Conference

The chief guest Hon Tom Butime, Member of Parliament and Minister of Local Government appreciated the developments in the district. Promised to lobby for increased funding of local governments and encouraged duty bearers to always involve citizens in the government programs for sustainability.

The Chief Guest, Minister of Local Government Hon Tom Butiime speaking during the conference

The district chairperson, Hon Richard Rwabuhinga while opening his accountability speech said this annual performance report is one of the avenues we use as Kabarole District Council to reach out to the people and give accountability of the funds received in a given financial year in a transparent manner and how we have utilized them to offer services to citizens. ‘’The District Leaders’ Conference gives us a platform to reach out our people through all leaders and through the development partners so that they can further disseminate it’’, said Hon Richard Rwabuhinga, Kabarole District Chairperson.

In the Financial Year 2017/2018, the District received Twenty eight billion six hundred sixty Two million five hundred twenty five thousand three hundred eighteen shillings (28,662,525,318/=). Given the resource envelope we received this financial year, we have remarkably executed all the planned interventions at satisfactory level. It is also important to note that delivery of services has been against the high citizen demand visa-vi the meager resource envelope allocated to the district, since we heavily rely on central government funding. Our development partners like Toro Development Network, KRC, RAC, KindUganda, RFPJ have played a big role in mobilizing citizens to demand for better services and accountability of funds received by the District. However, I urge them as they mobilize citizens to demand for better services and sensitize them on their roles; they should also tell them their responsibilities as citizens for effective services.

The district chairperson said as a district, we are happy to report that our partnership with Ministries, Departments and Agencies is growing strong notable among these is National Water and Sewarage Cooperation, IRC, Baylor Uganda, JESE, HEWASA, Toro Development Network, Kind Uganda, RAC, RFPJ, etc and their partnerships is very visible.

District Chairperson Hon Richard Rwabuhinga giving accountability during the Conference

We have done mechanized routine maintenance of selected District roads basically involving road grading and drainage works of about  50 kilometers costing one hundred and ten million shillings (110,000,000/=)and drainage costing Two hundred twenty three million shillings (231,000,000/=). These roads include; Butebe-Karambi road, Kicwamba-Kiburara, Isunga-Rwankenzi etc and drainage works at Wamikira bridge, Mpanga bridge, Nyakasura bridge,etc. Mugusu-Kinyankende-Mitandi, Mpinga-Kyanika-Bulyambuzi, Rwengoma-Saaka-Kyakagusa, roads, etc  are part of the roads planned for 2019/2020 financial year where we shall work on 112 kilometers of planned roads out of the 146 kilometers selected  at a cost of Two hundred thirty four million shillings (234,000,000/=).  The status of water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotions, the district water coverage stands at 80%, functionality of water committees is at 41%, hand washing facilities at house hold is at 28%, hand washing facilities in schools is at 14%. We need to work together to improve the situation in schools and in our households to improve hygiene and reduce on water borne diseases in the communities. For the financial year 2019/2020 water will be extended to Harugongo, Mugusu, Kasenda, Karambi, Bukuuku at a cost of  Two hundred thirty million shillings (230,000,000/=) and rehabilitation of water sources and sanitation grant at Eighty seven million shillings (87,000,000/=). Electricity extension to different villages; work is on-going  and we hope that once connected to the power grid, they will start small scale enterprises to improve their income status hence reducing unemployment in the district and country as a whole.

In the current Financial Year 2018/2019 thirty eight (38) group projects with 409 members under Youth Livelihood program (YLP) were supported with funds amounting to Ugx. Shs. 361,868,000/= while 32 Women group projects with 404 members were supported with Ugx. Shs.  222,552,016/= under Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Enterprise Programme (UWEP).

Citizens were given opportunity to ask questions on service delivery issues during the conference

Under the Health sector, we constructed a staff house at Nyabuswa Health center III at a cost of Fifty six million shillings (56,000,000/=), work is on-going for the construction of Nyantabooma Maternity ward at Four hundred eighty six million shillings (486,000,000/=), constructed a latrine at Kasenda health center III at Eighteen million shillings (18,000,000/=), etc. This financial year we shall upgrade Nyakitokoli HC III at Three hundred eighty five million shillings (385,000,000/=) also fronting Kijura HC III for upgrading to HC IV and construct  Kichwamba HC III Maternity ward among other things.

Under Education sector, the District sat 3,841 Candidates for 2018 Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) and only 185 failed to attain certificates. As a District we were ranked 10th in the entire country and this achievement has been as a result of team work with other development partners in sensitizing parents to support their children’s education, joint monitoring and supervision, school management committees doing their roles, etc. We managed to construct 7 classrooms and offices at Kasenda Primary school in Kasenda Sub county at Ugx. 77,560,847/=, constructed a 2-classroom block at Maguunga Primary School in Mugusu Sub-county at Ugx.74, 663,715/=. We plan to construct St Paul’s Nyabweya High school at a cost of Ugx. 1,954,000,000/= in the coming 2019/2020 financial year. However, we still face challenges like; inadequate classrooms and furniture in some schools, understaffing in education institutions at all levels, absenteeism of pupils and teachers in some schools, inadequate teachers accommodation facilities that lead to inefficiency in service delivery, children dropping out of school for various reasons, low/inadequate capitation grants for both UPE and USE, etc in the education department.

Headteachers of best performing Primary Schools in 2018 PLE results pose with other guests after being recognized

 Under production, the department has coordinated the distribution of inputs under Operation Wealth Creation (OWC), constructed a crop marketing facility in Karago Town Council, providing extension services in lower local governments, etc

We intend to render quality and timely services to our people but somehow limited by funds as you are aware we rely 95% on central government funds. We reiterate our commitment as a district council to values of accountability, transparency, hard work and fulfilling the core objective of governing with the people. I urge development partners to work with us in making our District a better place for people to admire and stay in.’’Like we have always said, we are always happy when you tell us the truth no matter how bitter it is than sarcastically smiling with a bitter heart’’, Said the District Chairperson.

As ToroDev we thank all our donors SIDA, CIPESA, ICT4DEM, NED, SPIDER for the financial and technical support in rendering services to our Grassroots citizens.





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Ben Chilwell

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