“Corruption among the local leaders on taxes collected creates a lot of debts between Uganda Revenue Authority and local governments” Magezi Wilsnob.

The local leaders of Fort Portal Municipality in Kabarole District
have indicated that the high rate of corruption among the local leaders on
taxes collected has created a challenge of debts between Uganda Revenue
Authority and the local governments. This was during ToroDev’s supported live
radio discussion on HITS FM called “Orukurato Program” on 19th
October 2013. The 2 hour weekly radio program discusses issues of
accountability every Saturday (08:00 – 10:00pm).
The topic for discussion was “Accountability and service
delivery in Fort Portal Municipality, Kabarole District”. Panelists who
participated in the live radio discussion included Hon. Tinkasiimire Aramanzan
the Chairman LC III West Division, Hon. Mugisa Herbert the Chairman LC
III South Division and Hon. Magezi Wilsnob the Chairman LC III East Division
all in Fort Portal Municipality Kabarole District.
A statue of Sir Gerald Portal in Fort Portal Town
During the discussion, the local leaders discussed the achievements
that they had brought to their Sub Counties ever since they started their term of office.
“Kagote Health Center III did not have enough staffs and also a maternity ward. I raised
the issue to the government and more staffs were recruited to the health center
and a maternity ward was also created. We have also lobbied for bore holes in
places like Nyabusozi, Muhoti, Kagote and Kyamukerege for people who
cannot afford paying tapped water distributed by National Water and Sewerage
Cooperation”, said Hon. Tinkasimire Aramanzan.
 “We have tried to
make community meetings through which we inform parents to be responsible
citizens and embrace Universal Primary Education and Universal Secondary
Education by sending their children to school. We have also lobbied a maternity
ward and Art Clinic for HIV canceling and tasting at Kasusu HC III. NAADS program has also been improved through setting up advisory services at Sub County level and
also supplying seedlings for food security, cows, goats and pigs to different
groups”, said Mugisa Herbert the Chair Person LC III South Division.
Meanwhile, Hon. Magezi Wilson went ahead and discussed the challenges
that hinder local leaders from delivering better services to their people. “We
do not have enough funds to deliver better services to our local people. The
highest money that the government sends to our sub counties on a yearly basis to
work on the roads is twelve (12) million yet it costs thirty (30) million to
construct one kilometer of a road”, said Magezi Wilsnob.
The live radio discussion was moderated by Kasigazi Willy
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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