Corruption in the administration affects service delivery in Katooke Sub County, Kyenjojo District.

Mr. Muzora Godwin, Chairman of Katooke Advocacy Forum in
Katooke Sub County, Kyenjojo District held a live radio discussion on Better FM
on 22nd September 2013 highlighting the high rate of corruption
among the local leaders of Katooke Sub County that is affecting service
delivery. The live radio program called the ‘Listener’s Forum’ that is
supported by ToroDev discusses issues of accountability and is held every
Sunday (08:00 – 10:00pm) and moderated by Mukonyezi Wilfred.
While appearing in the live radio talk show, Mr. Muzora indicated some of the
services that had improved due to the activities of advocacy. “Offices of the
administrators at the sub county are always open during working hours and no
longer closed as it used to be, 2 (two) tanks have been delivered and toilets
built at Rubango Primary School, teachers are also active and no longer absent
at Rubango Primary School”.
Primary five block of Rubango Primary School that was constructed by parents
During the discussion, Mr. Muzora also raised the issue of corruption in the sub
county. “There is a gravity scheme that was constructed from Nyakisi Hill
through Iboroga to Katooke Town Council. This project brings a monthly income
of 600,000 (six hundred thousand)  –
800,000 (eight hundred thousand) Ug shillings to the sub county. However,
leaders have misused this money for their own mutual benefits instead of
developing the sub county. Leaders of the water board committee and the Sub County
chief made a requisition of 280 million to extend water to Kazaza Sub County
but all has been in vain”.
Mr. Muzora further highlighted the ‘T section
tools’ for bridge construction that were swindled by the leaders. “Hon Butime,
the former Member of Parliament for Mwenge North brought ‘T section tools’ that
were around 20 – 30 feet for construction of bridges in Katooke Sub County.
Unfortunately, these metals were taken by some corrupt leaders to serve their
own mutual purposes”.
Mr. Muzora indicated the sorry state of some schools in the
sub county. “Rukizi Primary School has a toilet that was dug 10 (ten) years ago
and has never been complete. There are only six teachers with a population of
over 352 pupils. The school has no safe water and pupils use dirty water from a
nearby well. There are no staff quarters at the school and teachers travel long
distances from Rwamukoora Trading Center”.
Meanwhile, local listeners were also able to use the on line
plat form to call in and share their accountability issues. “The Government
promised to work on our roads and also provide water in our sub county but
nothing has been done”, said Musinguzi Justus, from Kabonero Sub County, Kabarole
District. “Our roads are very poor and impassable during the rainy season”,
said Mugisa Patrick from Butungama in Ntoroko District. “Leaders do not give
information to the people”, said Latiff from Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole
District. “We are sharing our water source with animals. When I approached our
local local leaders about the issue, they threatened me”, said Kyalisiima from
Kinogero Sub County, Kyenjojo Sub County.  
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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