DataCities Project Launch in Fort Portal Tourism City – Supporting Practical and Resilient Data Systems in Uganda’s New Cities

On November 7, 2023, ODA – The Open Data Analytics an initiative of ToroDev and UNIRI, in collaboration with the UN Global Pulse Lab Kampala and Sunbird AI, launched the “DataCities” project in Fort Portal Tourism City (October 2023 – September 2025). This will support the modelling of this city into a modern Smart City in Uganda. The initial consideration for piloting the two cities of Jinja and Fort Portal was due to the fact that, they are among the strategic cities earmarked by the government, in the Uganda’s Vision 2040 and the National Development Plan III for tourism and industrial development. The project is also an attempt to address some of the recommendations from the recent ODA’s Baseline study on urban data governance in Uganda’s new cities that was completed in June 2023, with support from the Hewlett Foundation, USA.

Prof Moses Muhumuza presenting the lessons and recommendations from the Urban Data Governance in Uganda’s New Cities conducted by ToroDev-ODA

Several City Authority leaders including the Constituency MP and the City Mayor, heads of departments, representation from the Uganda’s Ministry of ICT & NG and private enterprises, residents’ representation and the media attended the DataCities project initiation.

The Fort Portal Central MP, Hon. Alex Ruhunda gives a keynote address as the City Mayor, Edison Asaba Ruyonga looks on during the DataCities project initiation meeting

During the meeting, a panel and group discussions were organized to deliberate on specific priority data and evidence needs, and use cases of Fort Portal Tourism City. The priority areas/sectors to focus on included; Physical planning and Housing, Natural resources and Environment, Waste management, Works, Engineering & Transport, Local Revenue Mobilization, Entrepreneurship & Business Development, Tourism & Hospitality.

Left – Right: Johnstone Baguma – Executive Director ToroDev, Prof. Engineer Bainomugisha -Director Sunbird AI, Prof. Moses Muhumuza – Director ToroDev, Dr. Martin Mubangizi – Head of Office UN Global Pulse Kampala and Fred Nyakatuura – Senior Economist & Planner Fort Portal City during the Panel Discussion at the DataCities Project Initiation

The DataCities project is hoped to enable stakeholders in the newly created cities in Uganda make data and evidence informed routine rapid urban decisions and policies that are responsive to the resilience of city residents. The first phase of the program (Oct 2023 – Sept 2025) is piloted in Jinja and Fort Portal cities, in the Eastern and Western regions of Uganda, respectively. It will among others, expose Ugandan new cities to other established cities in Africa like Capetown, Durban, Johannesburg, Accra and Kigali. It will also support the building of digital skills and digital infrastructure resourcing of new cities to govern and manage their data resources well, profile the specific niches in new cities such as tourism, industrialization, IT Innovations, among others.

Stakeholders, please stay tuned for the next updates on the project progress on this site!

Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Ben Chilwell

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