e-advocacy helps Kibate Health Center get promoted

use of appropriate ICT tools to advocate for improved service delivery by the
local citizens in Katebwa Sub County, Kabarole district have helped Kibate
Health Centre II get promoted to a health center III in June 2013 by the
government of Uganda. The promotion means that the health center will now be
equipped with more staff and better services because there is also going to be
improved funding of its activities from the government.
Kibate Health Center
citizens organized under their rural advocacy forum called Katebwa People’s
Forum have been advocating for improved health service delivery in using live
radio discussions and SMS. The rural advocacy forum operating in Katebwa Sub
County was initiated by the local citizens with support from ToroDev.
have been complaining about the poor facilities in Kibate Health center II for
years now. We can now enjoy better facilities in the Health sector. We
presented our issues on radio in an organized Group (advocacy forum) which gave
us better results in service delivery.” Said Thembo Monday, a Member of the
of Katebwa People’s Forum also engaged their local leaders using appropriate
ICT tools to demand for better service delivery especially increasing on the
numbers of medical staff and drugs.

collected our issues and presented them on Voice of Toro and Better FM in May
2013 and we are proud that our leaders feared the pressure from the radio
callers and the information was widely spread and finally at the end of the
talkshow positive results were achieved, in June we were given the laboratory
attendant and Kibate Health Center II and also promoted to a Health center III
with better services.” Said Muhindo Ezra leader of Katebwa advocacy Forum.
Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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Picture of Ben Chilwell
Ben Chilwell

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